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Thomas's POV
I shrugged the girls arm off and started walking closer to the gap in the massive concrete walls. Inside was a long stone corridor. It was so plain that's what made it interesting, the fact there was nothing to see was baffling. Mindlessly I kept walking closer to it.


Heavy hands buried into my sides. I felt my stomach jump and then the rest of my limbs landed on the dusty ground. My body was so sore after tripping in front of everyone earlier and whatever happened in that wire box I had woken up in. Everything hurt and I looked up to see Mr eyebrows standing above me again.

"We gotta stop meeting like this Greenie" He said cocking his head to the side thinking he was funny.

I scrambled out from underneath him kicking his legs as I went and desperately tried to find my way around him as he held out his arms.

"Wow alright calm, calm, calm, calm"

I turned to see more people had crowded some still running over.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" I asked.

Newt came over holding a hand up "Just calm down a'right".

"No ok!, why won't you tell me what's out there?!" I was shouting trying to hold my ground as Alby joined Newt in front of me.
Those two plus Chuck where the only people I knew and I still couldn't trust them.

"We're just trying to protect you man" Alby said.

"It's for your own good" Newt commented.

"No! You can't just keep me here!" I started backing away towards the the walls and stone corridor.

"We can't let you leave" Alby said. I felt my blood run cold at that. Who are these people?, what's out there that's so bad?.

I got my answer as a deep groan came from the walls. A gust of wind carrying dust blew out towards us. The ground started to shake and stone and metal grinding burned into my eardrums. I watched in disbelief as either side of the opening started to move together. When they closed there was a boom and everything was too quiet. I could hear my heartbeat and the panicked voice in my head.

"What the hell" I whispered.

Y/n's POV
"Next time im'ma let you leave" Gally said before he walked off with the others.

I patted Chuck on the head before walking with Frypan to the kitchen. This Greenie was strange. I hadn't even known him long but there was just something about him that didn't sit right. I decided to shrug it off and go find Minho. We had a bonfire to celebrate together with lots of dancing and drinking and overall happiness.

-Time skip-

We sat together by the fire. Minho finishing off the last of his dinner while my back rested against his leg. He ran a soft hand through my hair.

"The Greenie is looking at us" I said seeing Newt and the Greenie leaning over a log.

"Is he?" Minho said, when he saw them he bent down closer and whispered in my ear "Better show them something worth while then".

His hand came under my chin turning it slightly and he kissed me slowly. It was slow and meaningful both our tongues greeting each other. We heard whistles and laughing from the boys around us and shyly pulled away.

"Right" I sighed getting up off the ground "I'm getting a drink, do you want one?".

"Nah I'll be ok" Minho waved me off.

I walked into the kitchen and found a jar of Gally's moonshine. I took a sip leaning on the counter. There has been an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach all day. I took another gulp hoping to drown the feeling out.

Cheering came from the bonfire as I went back.

"Greenie!, Greenie!, Greenie!" All the boys where chanting, coaxing the new guy to step up against Gally, who already didn't like him.

"The rules are simple, I try to push you out of the circle, you try to last more than 5 seconds"

And they where off. Pushing and shoving, kicking dirt every which way, grunting in struggle. Gally had the Greenie around his waist pushing him to the barrier of boys. The Greenie slipped out from under him using his momentum to send Gally to the ground.

Murmurs came from the boys as Gally laid in the dirt.

"Not bad for a Greenie huh" the boy said rubbing it in.

This was a bad move and Gally swept the boys feet out from under him. The Greenie's head hit the ground and he coughed, squeezing his eyes shut in pain.

Gally got up still seeing red was about to kick the boy in the gut but stopped when he mumbled something.

"THOMAS" the boy shot up.
"I remember my name, I'm Thomas!"

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