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Y/n's POV
Minho won the race to the box but I had managed to push and shove my way to the front of the crowd. I know it was silly but I thought that maybe one of the girls from my old Glade was going to be in there, here to bring me home.

The concrete doors slide open and Newt and another track-hoe pulled open the chicken wire gates. Newt jumped down into the box. At first he couldn't find anyone.

"Where is he?" Someone called out.

"Did we get supplies?"

"What's going on?"

"Did we get a greenie?" People where starting to yell all kinds of questions.

Newt was searching the box, he walked around a barrel and crouched behind it with his head in between his legs was little boy.

"Yea we got a greenie" Newt called up to the crowd. "But he's young, too young, he's scared" Newt said worrying for the kid.

"They're all scared when they first get here, pull him up" Alby yelled.

"Hang on Alby" I said and jumped into the box with Newt.

Newt took a step back and let me kneel next to the boy. Newt was right he was young. Most of us looked to be fifteen, sixteen, seventeen but this kid was only twelve or eleven years old. I felt a wave of sympathy for the boy.

"Hey you're ok" I said in my best mother voice.

He looked up with red puffy eyes.

I reached out my hand and started rubbing his shoulder to calm him and make him feel safe. He looked behind me to Newt who gave him a soft smile and then he looked up to the twenty or so boys that where watching the scene unfold.

"Don't worry about them" I said and he looked back at me. "I'm here. My names Y/n, do you know your name?" I asked trying to make him feel comfortable and welcome.

The boy whipped his eyes and then said "I'm Chuck".

"Well Chuck let's get you out of this box" I said standing up and offering him my hand.

He took my hand but stood behind me as we walked closer to Newt.

"It's ok" I said to Chuck. "This is my friend Newt" I said pointing at Newt.

Newt gave a little wave "Hey little man".

Chuck waved back but didn't say anything. The rope was lowered and we got Chuck out of the box and then Newt and then Minho pulled me up.

Alby looked shocked and sad when he saw Chuck. Newt had said the boy was young but Alby hadn't expected this.

Everyone slowly left and went back to their jobs and Newt, Alby, Minho, Chuck and I stood in the kitchen while Frypan made Chuck some garlic bread.

We all felt a strike of sorrow seeing such a helpless little kid here. And we where trying to decide the best way to look after him.

"I would hate for you to think I want to make him your responsibility because you're female Y/n but he does feel safest around you" Alby said.

"I'm fine to look after him this afternoon but tomorrow Minho and I are in the maze" I said.

"He can hang out with me tomorrow in the garden's" Newt said.

"And we have to treat him as a real glader not some wussy baby or I can guarantee Gally will complain" Minho said with a heavy sigh of pity.

"He get's out of the slammer this afternoon doesn't he" I said the realisation of having to see him again made me feel anxious.

All the boys nodded to confirm my worries.

I worked in the med-hut for the rest of the afternoon and Chuck sat on one of the cots swinging his feet back and forth to entertain himself.

"Chuck This is Clint and Jeff" I said as the other med-jacks walked in.

Clint and Jeff looked at me with a shocked look in their eyes at the age of the boy sitting on the cot.

"Well it's good to finally meet our new greenie" Jeff said holding out a hand for Chuck to shake.

Chuck looked at me as if to ask if it was ok. I gave him a little nod and said "It's ok these guys are my friends too".

When Chuck shook Jeff's hand Jeff pulled him into a hug and I saw Chuck smile a little bit.

Clint moved closer to me and whispered in worry to me "He's so young".

"I know" I sighed looking back at the two boys hugging.

Chuck sat and watched us work, patching up people, giving them ice packs and ointment all afternoon. I looked outside the window as the sky got darker and the bonfire would begin soon.

"Hey Chuck the bonfires about to start, come on" I said holding out my hand.

"A bonfire?, what for?" He asked as he jumped off the cot and grabbed my hand.

"It's to celebrate you!" I said excitedly shaking his hand a little.

"For me?" Chuck asked surprised and excited. Another wide smile graced the boys face.

Author note
Yay Chuck is here, he's such a cutie.

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