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Minho's POV
"I just need more time." Ava Paige said.

"You mean more Blood" Mary stated stepping out from the crowd.

"Hello Mary" Ava Paige said sourly "I'd hoped we'd meet again one day, I'm sorry it had to be under these circumstances."

"I'm sorry about a lot of things too, but not this. At least now my conscience is clear." Mary said referring to their past, unknown to the rest of us.

"So is mine." The doctor said and as if that was a command Janson fired his gun. When Mary fell to the ground not responding to Vince's calls and cries I felt bile rise in my throat, what if that had been Y/n?

"Load them on, get rid of the rest" Ava said before striding to the berg taking Teresa with her.
This was not happening, it couldn't happen. These people didn't deserve to die. I wanted to run, I could run, the guards would never catch me but I can't abandon my friends.

Thomas broke free from the restraints of the guards yelling "STOP" and pulled out a bomb.

"Let them go, let them all go!" He demanded with a stride holding the bomb in his fist.

"Thomas Stop" Teresa pleaded "They promised... they promised they wouldn't hurt anyone."

Y/n and I rolled our eyes at this, how could she be so stupid.
"And I'm just supposed to trust you now!?" Thomas retaliated.

"It's true it was her only condition" Dr Paige said trying to usher Teresa to a safer place.

"SHUT UP!" Thomas yelled shaking his head trying his best not to be manipulated.

"Think about what your doing Thomas." Janson said trying to get in his head. I was sick of them, I was sick of everything. I got up placing my hand on his shoulder followed by Newt, Fry and Y/n who wrapped her arms around my waist.

"We're with you Thomas" said Newt as we all stood their in support.

"We're not going back there" Thomas stated striking fear into Ava's heart.

"Don't" she said shaking her head afraid she was finally going to lose.

"Do it" I encouraged him. Thomas's finger hovered above the trigger and I took one last look at my girly, my beautiful Y/n so afraid she was shaking, I squeezed her tightly hoping she knew it meant 'I love you'.

"It's the only way." Thomas confirmed, ready for the impact we were interrupted by a loud truck horn racing towards the camp. We all stopped and stared as it crashed into a helicopter sending the propellers shattering off into the crowd taking out several WICKED guards. There was only one other person with a dramatic flare to match mine, it was Jorge.

The chaos scattered the crowd but Y/n didn't seem to move instead she fell to the floor convulsing with black blood dripping from her nose.
"Y/N!" I screamed scooping her up trying to find a safe place to shelter from all the gunfire. I couldn't find anyone, I was all alone and there was nothing I could do for her. I span around and finally caught a glimpse of Fry and Newt. Newt yelled something to me but the words never reached my ears instead immense pain shot throw my back and I crumbled to the floor. Crippled I clung onto the only bit of purpose I had left and shielded Y/n's body with my own.

Thomas's POV
The gunfire seemed to cease as they dragged more and more kids onto the burg including Minho and Y/n who both seemed to be slipping in and out of consciousness. Poor Minho was all out of fight and devoted all his last strength to keeping Y/n in his arms

"No!" Newt yelled trying to get to the Burg door before it closed, tripping multiple times along the way. He was losing two of the few people who made him smile and it was breaking him sending him into a panic I had never seen from him before.

I felt helpless and exhausted, everything we had done had been undone in seconds and for poor Minho and Y/n there were going right back to where it all started. In slow motion the ramp on the burg began to rise and Minhos desperate gaze met mine.

When the door closed and the burg flew out of site wails rang out from all over the camp including my own. 'How could I have let this happen?'

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