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Minho's POV
The effects of the launcher were starting to wear off and I became aware of my body again only to find it was being restrained. I had been strapped into a seat in some lab. I couldn't move my arms or my legs they had even strapped my head back. Geez these guys must be intimidated by me.

"Great to see you're alive" Janson spoke standing right up in my personal space.

"Takes more than that to take me out RatMan." I spat meeting his condescending stare.

"I'm glad, we need someone as stupidly persistent as you for this to work." He said taking a clipboard off a desk.

"I'm not stupid" I grumbled feeling fatigued. He ignored my comment and spoke into his radio transmitter. I don't care what it was about, my brain was feeling foggy and I was trying too hard to understand how I ended up here, I feel like I'm missing something and I just can't get my mind to tell me what it is.

"Look Minho I have some news for you, it's great news to me but to you it will undoubtedly be soul crushing and I can't wait to show you." RatMan announced with a sinister grin that made me want to bite his ugly rat nose off.
"Ah here it is now." He said strolling to the door to unlock it for what seemed to be a delivery.

A crank had been strapped up right to a dolly, it was chattering it's teeth together keeping it's head down, it's clothes were ragged and it's body seemed to be brittle, it's face was concealed by it's long hair. Janson parked the dolly infront of me. I just sat there and shrugged my shoulders at him, we all knew WICKED had been capturing and experimenting on cranks since there creation this was not a surprise.

"This is C2-44" Janson stated before leaning dangerously close to its face to whisper into its ear "Come on you've only been begging to see your beloved for weeks now, give him a smile" Janson snapped pulling its head up. I couldn't believe it. Janson cackled as he watched me realise that this crank was a shell of the girl I loved so dearly.

"Y/n" I cried out quietly in shock. My poor girly, her head snapped every which way her eyes black pleading for help. I struggled against my restraints trying to think of any way I could save her.

"min...... min ho" She coughed out her voice dry and cracking sending her into a coughing fit she was so frustrated with herself she started trying to jump out of her restraints anger engulfing her movements. She was losing herself to this disease.

"What did you do to her!" I shouted at Janson wanting to bash his head against his desk.

"We didn't have to do anything, that was the best part really. Nature just took its course." He laughed "A very satisfying ending."

"YOU'LL DIE FOR THIS YOU HEAR ME! I'LL KILL YOU RATMAN!" I shouted like a demon possessed as he had Y/n wheeled away. "Where are you taking her?!"

"You only get to know that if you decide to help us." Janson said obviously very please with himself. "You can stop fighting and allow us to use you to find a cure which we will work very hard on and Y/n will be the first one we save" he seemed to shiver at that option clearly hating my girlfriend "Or you refuse, we Kill Y/n and use your blood and brain anyway."

There was only one clear option, I knew Thomas was coming to save us, he had to be, I just had to make sure we both stuck it out long enough for him to get here. "You have my permission" I mumbled in defeat.

"Great, Nurse Jenny here will take you to your room and get you to sign some consent forms. Your first test begins in an hour." He said way too enthusiastically for it to be genuine.

The Nurse tried to convince me to rest before I had to be taken away for testing but I couldn't every time I closed my eyes I saw her, my girly, the love of my life absolutely deranged and it sickened me in all ways possible. I had a feeling I would never sleep again, especially knowing she will never come back to rest in my arms. She's probably been thrown into some cage. I couldn't stand the thought of it. I need Thomas to get here ASAP.

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