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Author note
There have been a lot of Thomas chapters lately but not this one ☝️
Y/n's POV
A month and a half.
I have been here for a month and a half. During this time a lot has happened, some of those things bad but some of them are also good. I still worked as a med-jack (casually running the maze when I feel like it), I now have a scar on my stomach from where Gally stabbed me, Chuck has become my brother and my number one partner in crime after we managed to fill Alby's boots with maple syrup - spent 3 days in the slammer for that one but it was totally worth it and Minho is everything I've ever wanted in a partner. We spend most of our spare time together and it has come to no one's surprise that Minho is my boyfriend but some guys are to thicc too understand I don't want anything to do with them but Minho gladly reminds them that I'm already taken.

And even though Minho is there for me when I need him Newt has been the one holding me together. His comforting presence and brotherly advice always puts my crazy sea of emotions to rest.

It was just before lunchtime and I was walking to the MedHut when I saw Winston hurrying over holding his bloody arm. I learned quickly that Winston slicing his arm open was a common occurrence in the glade.

I caught up to him and gave him a sympathetic nod before opening the door to the MedHut for him.

"Thanks Y/n" he winced as he sat down on the cot.

"We got a bloody Winston boys!" I called out to Clint and Jeff while I wet a cloth to wipe away the blood on his forearm.

Jeff came through from the back and grabbed gauze and antiseptic for Winston's wounds. We had him patched up in no time and I looked down at my watch to see lunch would be starting now.

"Y/n!" I heard a voice call followed by uneven footsteps and the door to the MedHut flying open.
"Y/n!" Chuck said with excitement and exhaustion.

"Y/n look what I found" Chuck said pulling me away from Winston and Jeff. In his chubby little hands Chuck had three slugs and two snails. Their slime practically dripping from the boys hand.

"Oh my gosh" I said with a little laugh at the amusement Chuck got from some everyday garden creatures. "Where did you find these guys?, why do you have them?".

"Newt asked me to clean the gardens with him and I found them" Chuck said with a smile "Newt said they where bad for the lettuce and I should throw them away but look at them I couldn't give them up to the birds" he said with fondness.

"Aww your right" I said absolutely dying from how much heart this boy had.

"And I thought we could use them to prank someone" He said in a low whisper and suddenly all the lovely sweet thoughts of Chuck had vanished and been replaced with menacing exciting ones.

"Oh that's great and you know what I have the perfect idea" I said eager to join in his antics. "I think Minho's pillow would look great covered with slug slime" I said feeling the smile in my cheeks.

"Slug and snail slime" Chuck corrected me mirroring my mischievous grin.

I turned back to Jeff and Winston who where deep in their own conversation by now.
"See you boys at lunch I've got something to take of" I said quickly walking out the door with Chuck following desperately at my heels.

Author note

Kind of a nothing chapter but that's ok. Running out of ideas for an original story line so I might move onto the plot of the Movie/book soon 👍

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