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Y/n's POV
We had been slammed into our room. Jules to stunned to speak while Aris set into action mode diving under the bed and pulling the grate off the air vent.

"Wait Aris I'm coming with you!" I said urgently.

"Damn right you are. We're getting behind the door" he said going to the ground and sliding out of view.

"Jules come on." I said pulling her down with me.

We followed Aris through the twists and turns of the air vents going a way I did not recognise but before I could ask any questions Aris popped open another grate sending it sliding on the smooth concrete floor. We wriggled our way out and ended up in another dorm room.

"Y/n!" Minho said breathlessly scooping me up into a hug as soon as I was out from under the bed.

"Minho you're alive!" I hugged him back tighter snuggling my face into his neck.

"I can't, I can't believe this" he said stroking my hair and looking into my eyes "You... that night I - I thought you died."

"I am so sorry. I wanted to come back for you, for all of you." I said taking in the faces of everyone in the room. There wasn't enough of them. Where was Jeff? Where was Chuck? Where was Clint and Zart and Alby?

"Jules?" I asked cautiously making my way towards her shaking figure. "Jules these are the boys. That's Newt, Fry, Winston, Jack, Thomas and Minho. You don't need to be scared of them." I said pointing out each of them.

She eyed them all as if she could soak up all of their secrets just by staring them down and melting them into a puddle. "Thank you" she said quietly "Thank you for looking after Y/n." And then she just walked past them all and sat down on an empty bunk and held her head in her hands.

"Is she ok?" Asked Newt looking at us for an answer.

"She'll be fine" Aris brushed it off "Thomas you got it?"

"Yea, let's go" Thomas said proudly pulling out the guards access card as Aris slid back into the vent.

"Here we go again" Winston groaned

Newt sighed in disbelief "So that's what that little stunt was all about then."

"Look maybe your right, maybe I'm just being paranoid but if something's going on here I'm going to find out what it is." Thomas declared as he got his bottom half under the bunk bed "Just cover for me, I'll be back as soon as I can." And with that Thomas was gone.

I sat down next to Jules and Minho sat on my other side taking my hand in his, intertwining our fingers together.

"What's going on Jules?" I asked placing my hand on her shoulder. This gesture made her look up into my eyes.

"It's just overwhelming. Aris finally found some people that will help us and they happen to be your boys... I just don't want you to forget about me." She sighed "I know it's selfish, sorry."

"Jules it's not selfish. They're your boys too now ok. They're our family." I said pulling her into a brief hug that made her smile.

"So" she chuckled "You got dibs on anyone?"

I smiled at Jules becoming her normal self again. "Just this shank." I said slapping Minho on the back in a way too friendly way for our relationship.

"Hey!" Minho let out a little yelp of disapproval.

I ignored him and turned back to Jules "Now go socialise." I encouraged nudging her off the bed.

Minho had a scowl on his face and slapped me in the back the same way I had done to him. "What was that about?" He asked.

"What you didn't like it?" I asked teasingly.

"Absolutely not" he shook his head.

"Well maybe you'll like this instead" I said leaning in just close enough for him to know what I wanted. When he started to lean in as well I placed my hand on his cheek and turned his head so I could give him a quick peck on the other cheek.

"Oh" Minho sat there dumbfounded as I got up and giggled my way to the other side of the room to go and say hi to everyone else.

There was a loud clatter and Thomas re-entered the room. "We gotta go" he babbled as he started to barricade the door.

"Aris what happened?!" Fry and I said at the same time but Aris was as shaken as Jules had been a few minutes ago.

"Thomas just calm down and tell us what happened?!" Newt tried to pulled Thomas out of his panic.

"It's Ava."


"IT's WICKED" Thomas finally snapped "It's still WICKED"

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