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Minho's POV
Y/n didn't show up for dinner and I started to worry. I saw Jeff walk over to Winston and Clint walking with Chuck but no Y/n.

"Hey Chuck where's Y/n?" I asked him as they sat down at our table.

"She said she was tired and was going to go to bed" Chuck said and then put a piece of cooked chicken in his mouth. Chuck looked up towards Clint with a surprised happiness at the delicious taste of the chicken and I saw Clint give him a small smile in agreement before starting his own dinner.

I grabbed another plate of food and went to Y/n's room to check on her.

"Girly you in there?" I asked as I knocked on her door.

"Yea sorry, come in" she said as she opened the door for me.

"Here I brought you some food" I said and sat the plate down on her desk.

"Oh thanks" she said with no emotion and sat down. She started pushing the food around her plate not sure what to eat first or maybe just not wanting to eat at all.

"What's wrong?" I asked watching her stare at the floor.

"Nothing just had a big lunch is all. I don't really need dinner" she said shrugging and for the first time since I entered the room she looked me in the eye.

"Y/n are you ok?" I asked even though I already knew she wasn't.

Her e/c eyes started to fill with tears and she tried to blink them away.

"Y/n come here" I said and opened my arms for a hug.

Y/n got up from the chair and hugged me, the emotions being let loose as she started to cry. We laid back on the bed and she hung onto my side and cried and cried and cried.
I ran my hand through her hair and down her back in a calming motion hoping that it would make her feel better.

"Want to talk about it?" I asked when her cries had softened.

Y/n's POV
I did. I did want to talk about it but I wasn't sure how to explain it so I just nodded against Minho's chest in the hopes he wouldn't leave.

Minho sat up and had us face each other. He had his hands on either side of my shoulders and looked deep into my eyes with concern.

"I'm right here ok and I'm ready to hear whatever it is you have to say if you're ready to tell me" he said maintaining eye contact.

"What if I never get back?" I sob out more tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Don't get me wrong you guys have been lovely to me and I love it here and I love you but the girls are my family"
"What about Sonya?, what about Harriet?"
"They think I'm dead" I cry out the hysterics starting all over again.

I lean forward and cry into his shoulder hiding my face in humiliation. Minho wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me closer. My legs sitting beside his, our chests rising and falling at the same pace and my tears slowly wetting his shirt.

"Hey it's alright, it's going to be alright" He said softly "They're going to be ok and so are you, I promise".

I hugged him tighter letting him know I appreciated his words of comfort.

As the night dragged on and the sky got darker and darker I started to calm down and feel the sleepy aftermath of using all my energy to cry. We cuddled together finding comfort in each other's presence and I feel into a deep cold sleep before I even got to say goodnight.

Author note
Short chapter lots of emotions.
Not Y/n admitting she loves Minho without realising it because she's to caught up in her sadness.
How does Minho feel?

Glade Girly | Minho x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن