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Y/n's POV
Murmurs and whispers and glares. Not a single warm welcome. Ouch. The place looked a mess and I couldn't see Sonya or Harriet anywhere. In fact it looked like quite a few girls where missing.

"Y/n?" Jules stepped out from the crowd to greet me.

"Yeah, hey guys" I waved awkwardly finding it difficult to come up with decent conversation.

"Oh Y/n thank god your back" She ran up and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back just as tight. At least someone had missed me. When we broke apart my eyes landed on a person a did not expect to see here.

"Uh who's that" I asked pointing at a scrawny looking boy.

Before anyone could answer a dark girl with frizzy hair stepped in front of him.

"Ok what's going on?, somebody talk to me" I commanded. "Where is everyone?, who's that?"

"There gone Y/n" Jules stepped back "We where attacked a couple of nights ago by the grievers and then this group of people came down in a helicopter and couldn't take all of us so we stayed."

"What?!, who are these people and-" I paused "Where's Sonya and Harriet they wouldn't abandon us" I shook my head.

"They left" The boy called out "I told them to, I said it would be ok, that we would be ok."

"You don't know that!" How could this have happened "Who are you anyway?!"

"My names Aris and I can explain"

"Yea you better" I pointed my finger at him before following him over to the Camphut.

So far I had found out that Rachel, the girl who had stepped in front of Aris earlier had been our newest greenie but Aris turned up only a couple days after. This caused a lot of chaos and seemed to trigger an 'ending' as they called it. The night before the grievers attacked sending this place to cinders, everything and everyone was inoperative. But during all this mayhem they had found a way out and we would leave tomorrow.

"Woah we can't leave tomorrow" I said "We need to get the boys. That's where I've been all this time. They have their own glade and everything."

"They will figure it out I'm sure but we can't risk more of our lives." Aris said.

"I don't know they might not figure it out. How do we get out anyway?"

"We fight our way through the griever hole." He said

"We fight our way through the griever hole?!" I echoed "THATS CRAZY!" "That's a suicide mission not an a escape plan." "Tell me have you ever even seen a griever?" I asked. This boy was insane.

"Yes I have and I believe it's possible" He said getting defensive.

"With more people maybe that's why we need the boys!" I can't believe I spent all this time wanting to come back home and now all I want to do is go again. Find out if Minho's ok. Find a way out together.

"Look if you don't think it will work you don't have to come!" He shouted getting up and walking away.

God this was a mess. I placed my head in my hands 'I was never going to see him again'. Pain was all I felt. I saw the world like a video game. A really sick video game where kids where tortured and there was no afterlife but I didn't care. I felt like an observer. The was no joy anymore all I could do was live and suffer through it. The afternoon passed in a haze. Nothing fit in the right place correctly and something was always missing.

I walked into the kitchen looking for a late night snack after skipping dinner only to find Jules still there. Waiting for me, she knew I would come back.

"So do you want to tell me where you've been all this time?" She asked over the counter.

"I found something. I found people, boys actually and I fell in love." I shrugged it off. None of that mattered now.

"Did you miss us?" She asks.

"Everyday. Trust me I tired to come home sooner. They tried to help me but you're all impossible to replace."

"Will you miss them?"

"Definitely." I sighed.

"I know this isn't what you expected to find but I promise we will stick together, tomorrow you and I will see the other side." She said reassuringly.

"But Minho won't and neither will Newt or Fry or Chuck or Jeff."

"Look I know it's horrible but you can't help them now please come with us."

And Jules was right. Minho would want me to go, he'd want me to see the world and I will live for all of them.

Author note
I feel a friendship forming between Y/n and Jules.

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