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Y/n's POV
Thomas jolted awake as Jorge landed yet another punch on Marcus's face.

"Talk you son of a bitch!" Jorge yelled getting frustrated.

Minho walked over to the disoriented Thomas "Welcome back you ugly shank" he said before giving him a hand to pull him back up slowly.

"I don't enjoy hurting you hermano, just tell us where to find the Right Arm." Jorge said trying to rein back in his composure. "I know you know where they're hiding so let's make a deal, you tell me where they are and you can come with us."

Marcus laughed blood from his nose trailing down to his upper lip "I burned that bridge a long time ago. I make my own deals plus your the one who taught me never miss an opportunity."

"What's he talking about?" Newt said.

"I'm talking about supply and demand." Marcus answered "WICKED wants all the inmunes they can get, I help provide that for them"

I felt my stomach drop. This man is disgusting. Giving up kids to known tortures like WICKED and he laughs about it. He chooses to take part in it.

Marcus continued outing himself "I lure the kids in, they get drunk have a good time then later WICKED comes in separates the weak from the chaff." He finished there giggling to himself. My head spins in anger and fear. How!? How is all I can think. Does this man have no moral compass?

"I change my mind hermano" Jorge says stepping closer "I do enjoy hurting you." He says kicking Marcus right in the balls so hard the chair fell backwards. I could feel every boy in the room grimace at the action.

Jorge pulled out his gun making all of us look at each other in shock "Talk!" He demanded with the gun at his throat.

"Ok ok Jesus" Marcus said as quick as he could, he would've raised his hands in defence if they weren't tied back. "But I'm not making any promises these guys like to move around."

Frypan went over and pulled the chair back up, even to horrible people in horrible situations Frypans kind nature took over. There isn't many people like him left in this world.

"They have an outpost in the mountains but it's a long way away, you got WICKED on your ass your never gonna make it." Marcus said finally giving us the information we came here for.

"Not on foot, where's Bertha?" Jorge said mirroring the grin Marcus had been wearing for the past hour.

"not Bertha" Marcus pleaded sadly.

"Uh Huh where is she" Jorge said

"Out the back" Marcus gave up sadly.

"Perfect, kids let's go" Jorge said leading us out of the room leaving Marcus tied up waiting for someone else to find him.

As we made our way out the back entrance I grab Minho's hand thankful to have him by my side. There's nothing I wouldn't do for him and we are so lucky we have each other. He seems to sense this and leans over to give me a kiss on the top of my head.

"You alright girly?" Minho asks putting his arm around me.

"Yea just thinking. Imagine if we found Marcus instead of Jorge, how can he do that to kids."

"Hey hey it's ok Marcus is gone ok, we're never going to see him again. Jorge would never let anything like that happen to us alright." He said.

We all stood together as a group as Jorge pulled off a dusty tarp from atop a car. Bertha was a car. We all piled in giving Newt the front so his bad leg doesn't cramp. This was going to be a long trip, there was next to no room in the back and it took multiple rearrangements to get everyone to fit but we got there and as Jorge started the car we all became excited never being in such a thing.

We got out of the city and headed for the mountains, all of us staring out the window until sleep took over us one by one. Minhos head dipped as sleep too captured him. The only people left awake were Jorge, Newt and I. Quite content and trusting that Jorge would take us where he said he would I settled into Minhos side getting one last look at this beautiful boy, my boyfriend, before trying to sleep too.

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