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Y/n's POV
I am not a morning person, I need my sleep of course this was not taken into consideration by Minho who insisted on waking me up at 6:00 am to start training at the same time as the 'real runners' wake up.

"Get up shebean" he said nudging my shoulder harder and harder. "You wanted this, you have to get up the same time the rest of us do".

I just grunted my face in my pillow and swung my hand blindly trying to hit him. I missed.

"Alright since your not getting up, you asked for this" Minho said.

There was a long silence before I felt the crush of another body on top of mine.

"Ugh Minho! Ow" I yelled at him.
I wriggled beneath him and turned onto my back. He laid across my stomach. I started slapping and hitting his back trying to get him to get up but he just kept laughing.

"Get up Minho!" I yelled at him.

"Are you going to get up if I do?" He asked.

"Well I can't if your on top of me!" I said getting annoyed.

Minho laughed one last time before pushing himself off me. He stood to the side of my bed and held out a hand to help me up and out of bed.

I rolled my eyes and took his hand. He pulled me up gently. His eyes traveled my face and then down to my top.
I was wearing a deep blue spaghetti strap tank top that I had found in one of the draws of my dresser. It was quite comfortable to sleep in.

I saw Minho blushing and asked him "What?, you ok?".

He looked me in the eyes with worry and shock that I had caught him staring at me.

"Uh yea" he said pulling his hand out of mine and turning away before I could see him blush more.

"Your not going to wear that around the Glade are you?" He asked looking me up and down again.

"No!" I said surprised "I just sleep in it" I said picking up the green shirt he had given to me.

"Now leave so I can change into what I'm actually going to wear today" I pushed him lightly in the back towards the door.

I put the tank top on my bed and pulled the green one on. I grabbed my vest just incase but I didn't put it on. Together we walked to the map room.

Minho pushed open the door and walked in confidence dripping from his strut. Inside where the other runners Ben, Liam, Rohan and Justin. On the table the most recent drawings of all eight sections were laid out.

They all looked up towards me when they noticed me step next to Minho.

"Oh hey Y/n" Ben said smiling at me.

"Finally brought your girl with you to meet us did ya Minho" Justin said with a wide creepy smile.

"Hi Y/n, I'm Liam" The boy standing on the other side of me said holding out his hand for me to shake it. I did.
"Nice to finally meet you" Liam said with a much more welcoming smile than Justin's.

Liam then turned to Rohan and nudged him before pointing over his shoulder at me.

Rohan looked over to me and then said a quick "Hey" not caring that I was there. Rohan seemed to be all business.

"Alright now that we're all aquatinted" Minho said strongly "Rohan and Liam you guys are running section two today", "Ben go to section five and Justin I need you to go all the way to section eight".

The boys left with little complaining and it was just Minho and myself again. He walked to one of the chests on the back wall and pushed it aside. Under it was a trapdoor.

We climbed down through the trapdoor using a ladder. It was dark and the air was damp. Minho hit  the light switch and one fluorescent light flickered on.

"Welcome to the weapons basement" Minho said opening his arms as if declaring a great achievement.

Sure enough all along the walls where bows, swords, crossbows, battle axes and spears. In boxes on the ground where all different shapes and sizes of daggers.

I looked down at the dagger on my thigh and thought of the dagger holders on the vest in my hand.

"We'll go on take your pick" Minho said smiling as he watched me marvel over all the different kinds of weaponry that was hidden away in this basement.

I picked two smaller daggers for my vest, I found a belt and put two throwing knives on my left side and a survival knife on my right. I looked all around the room for anything else I could bring with me and my eyes were fixed on a shiny silver double headed axe.

The axe head was as big as my hand and seemed to glow in this unnatural lightning. The wooden handle was deep and smooth. I gave it a spin and decided this was my new baby.

Glade Girly | Minho x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें