Chapter 2 Daily Life part 3: FTE

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I woke up to the announcement. I got out of bed and changed out of my clothes into another copy of the same clothes.

I feel like a cartoon character.

I headed down to breakfast. It was a quiet morning. Everyone was eating their breakfast silently.

I guess there is not much to talk about, I thought.

I suppose I could bring up the new rooms but it would be awkward if I broke the silence.

After breakfast, everyone left to do their own thing while I sat there thinking on what to do.

I guess I should hang out with someone, I thought, getting up.

I went to the kitchen to see who was in it.

"Then you punch the spaghetti until it's all crisp!" Papyrus explained.

"How do you make spaghetti like this?" Minami asked shocked.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" I asked.

"Papyrus is showing me how to make spaghetti but I am worried on his procedure," Minami explained.

"Well he must be good enough that he can be called an Ultimate," I said.

"Yes but-," Minami muttered but got cut off by Papyrus.

"Band-aid Human, mind helping us with the spaghetti?" He asked.

Hang out with Minami and Papyrus?

[Yes]                                    No

You decided to hang out with Minami and Papyrus.

Papyrus began a new patch of spaghetti to show me how it's done.

It was...interesting to say the least.

"Ok drill haired human, go and boil some water. The spaghetti is almost ready to be boiled," Papyrus said.

"Aye aye captain," Minami said sarcastically.

"Band aid human, I need you to grab something sharp and stab at the dough," Papyrus said.

"I'm pretty good at stabbing things," I quipped.

Minami turned to look at me funny.

Guess I shouldn't joke about things like these.

Basically the whole procedure of making spaghetti was so strange but maybe that's how it's made where Papyrus is from.

At last, we were done.

I feel like Minami, Papyrus and I grew a little closer.

"So where did you learn how to cook spaghetti?" I asked as I cleaned up my space.

"From my teacher Undyne. She was the leader of the Royal Guard and I looked up to her. She said that this was going to be practice when I join the real thing," Papyrus explained.

"Royal Guard?" Minami asked.

Papyrus explained what it was.

It seemed like it was something that he really wanted to join but Undyne told him that he wasn't ready for it yet. Some day.

Until a human fell down and set them all free.

"And so, in order to make peace with the humans in the area, the Royal Guard was disbanded," Papyrus explained.

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