Chapter 6 Deadly Life part 10: Trial

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Scrum Debate: Start!

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Scrum Debate: Start!

Percy: We need your help


Mukuro: You say that and yet you don't explain how this is going to help you. Tommy has told you that he doesn't know how

Percy: Our lives depend on it! We need that power


Ed: And then what? What will happen to Tommy if you use that power? There's a lot of lives in danger here if we think about it

Percy: You saw that story and we are desperate for the help


Isabelle: There has to be a another way of going through this. A different way! You don't need to resort to desperate measures

Percy: Is it because I'm the mastermind that you don't want to help me? There are lives on the line, not just yours


Hibiki: Yeah, here's the thing. Regardless whether you're the mastermind or not, this is an impossible decision to make because you're not explaining everything. Who's this group? Why can't you say their name? What lives are on the line? What do you mean by vessel and past lives?

Percy: It's our only hope


Minami: Kinda hypocritical of you to say that possibly endangering Tommy is your hope and all you have been spouting out as Monokuma "despair! Despair!"

Percy: You don't understand how important this is

[I got this!]

Tommy: You're right, I don't understand but I want to. I want to help you but as I said before, I don't know how. And I don't know why you are asking me to help if I don't know what I would be getting myself into. So just tell us what you can know without sugarcoating it




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