Chapter 6 Deadly Life part 12: Execution

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(3rd Person PoV)

(You may skip the execution if you like)

The same screen appeared and pixelated versions of Percy and Annabeth were just standing there with big flashing words above them.

Game Over!
Time for the traitor's and mastermind's execution

The two of them were placed on a grassy hill, the same area where Annabeth was first executed. Annabeth began to panic as she started to remember it.

Just then, a whole hoard of Monokumas came out with sharp claws and began to attack them.

Another screen appeared that flashed the words:

Battle Time

The Mastermind and Traitor's execution

Percy however, grabbed a pen out of his pocket and flicked off the cap to reveal a bronze sword and he began to fight off the Monokumas.

Annabeth, who didn't have her own weapon, grabbed called pieces of Monokuma to attack the mobile Monokumas.

This went on for a while until both of them grew extremely tired and frustrated. Was there no end to the bears?

More bears kept coming and the two of them would continue on slicing them down.

It wasn't until they heard a rumble where they looked up to see two balls rolling towards them at an alarming speed.

Percy grabbed Annabeth's hand and they both ran away, trying to get to a higher ground where they couldn't get crushed by the Ball Monokumas.

Unfortunately for them, the hill was flat so no high ground.

The balls kept coming and coming, the two of them feeling their inevitable doom creeping upon them.

And then, Percy tripped on a rock and he and Annabeth fell over. Annabeth got immediately and reached out to Percy but then, large shadows came over them and she looked up, horror in her eyes.

The Ball Monokumas fell upon them, crushing them with blood splattering on the grass.

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