Chapter 2 Deadly Life part 5: Post Trial

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"Cooooooooongratulations!! All of you are correct, Ash did kill poor poor Daisy," Monokuma cheered, clapping his paws.

Damn it! I thought, I so wanted to punch that piece of sh*t right in his sh*tas* face.

Getting the culprit correctly means that we all live...

We all??? Live?

No...only one of us has to die for their sin. And that is the culprit themselves.

But the culprit...

I turned to look at Ash who was staring at the ground, his eyes threatening to swell up with tears.

Doesn't deserve death.

In fact...none of them do.

"B-but...," Ash started.

"I don't want to die

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"I don't want to die. Is there a way that I can get a different punishment rather than death. A-and for anyone else who could k-kill?" He asked.

"Sorry! Eye for an eye. You killed someone so obviously the right punishment for you is death! I didn't give Sky a different punishment and I'm not going start now," Monokuma replied.

"That's the most bull I have ever heard!" Ed snapped.

"Sorry sorry waterflea! It's the rules!" Monokuma crackled.

"Water...flea?" Ed sank down and began to sulk in his podium.

"Now any last words?" Monokuma asked.

Ash tried getting some words out but simply couldn't.

But then...

"Pika Pika!" Pikachu called out.

He ran up to Ash and stood in front of him, proudly.

He ran up to Ash and stood in front of him, proudly

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"Pikachu! Pika pika! Ka! Pi pi!" He chirped.

Ash's eyes widen as Pikachu continued to speak.

Ash's eyes widen as Pikachu continued to speak

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"Y-you're right...even if I die, there is still hope for everyone else. Please take care of them Pikachu," Ash said.

"Pika pika," Pikachu nodded.

Ash swallowed before turning to Monokuma

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Ash swallowed before turning to Monokuma.

"I-I think I'm ready. J-just don't make it hurt, make it quick please," he said.

"No promises but I'll see what I can do," Monokuma assured him.

At the corner of my eye, I saw Mukuro looking confused and right next to me, Kazuichi wore a confused frown on his face.

What are they thinking? I thought but I didn't get that much to think on.

Ash then turned to us and bowed slightly.

"I'm sorry. I hope that one day, we'll all meet each other again in the next life. Please watch over Pikachu. And I want to say that I hope Daisy forgives m- me," he said, his voice cracking in the end.

"I'll take care of him," Mami spoke up.

" were a weird kid but...I hope to see you in the next life as well," Ed muttered as he rose from his knees in his podium.

"Ok are you all done with your goodbyes?" Monokuma asked, rudely.

"Shut the f*ck up!" Susie shouted.

"Yeah...I think we're done here," Annabeth folded her arms.

"Okie! IIIIIIIIIIIT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!!" Monokuma cheered.

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