Chapter 75

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FIVE Years later!

As the years went on the pack stopped growing. More found their imprints and lived a life that they were meant to have before the Cullens returned. The life we should have had before Bella came to Forks.

Colen: It took quite a few years but he found his imprint when he went off to college. He didn't want to tell her anything about the pack and we all got that. He was one of the youngest and he no longer phased into his wolf. He wanted a normal life away from the world of vampires and wolves. Tho' when he comes home he is happy to see all of us. As we still are his family.

Brady: found his imprint when he was in high school. They fell in love and eloped right after high school, leaving behind La Push and the pack. No one blamed him when he said he needed to find his own way and that he was grateful for all that learned from all of us.

Seth: being only 15 when he phased, was able to go back to school where he found his imprint in the girl he had been crushing on. Krissy! He told her about our legends and she wished it could be true. She was overjoyed when he showed her that they were. She slowly came out of her shell when she was around the pack.

Davina, Leah, Rachel, Rosalie and Emily even showed up at the school when they found out she was getting bullied by a girl that like Seth. Davina, still being a minor at the time, was the one to do all the dirty work when it came to fighting. But it didn't come to that as people were still scared of the female Latohe! Seth smiled as he loved how protective we all were over one another. Krissy was shocked as she didn't think that they would really come to her aid if she needed it. Seth and Krissy are still dating, but Seth is planning on asking her to marry him here soon.

Quil: was happy with Clarie as he got to watch her grow and become more and more attached to him. She is only 9 years old, they are still in the friend stage and Quil is still ok with waiting for her. Until she is old enough to start dating.

Embry: found his imprint in the new girl at school, Abbie. She is quiet and shy, she was from another tribe but just so happened to be Quil's cousin! Davina laughed as this was the cousin Quil was going to take to prom if he couldn't find a date. Davina and her become great friends making Embry happy. Embry and Abbie are expecting their first child in about six months and are engaged to be married.

Leah: decided to leave and see the world. We haven't really heard from her. Seth told us that she married and had a child and is really happy. But that was all he was allowed to tell us as she wanted a life away from the pack.

Jake: Rachel told us that Jake met his imprint and that she just so happens to be Bella's half sister that Bella hated and who went with her mom and dad to florida. I guess she and her now husband had had an affair when he was up here visiting his friend and Renee was still married to Charlie. That was the real reason she left Charlie and took Bella. They want to come and visit but Jake keeps pushing it back as he is scared what we will do. Rachel told him that nothing will happen but not to expect a warm welcome as some still haven't forgiven him for what he did to us and to Davina. I.E. Paul is still mad about how he treated his baby sister!

Sam and Emily: are going strong. They got married, the spring after everything calmed down. They now have two little boys Marco age three and Alex age one. Sam became the Chief of the tribal police. Emily opened up her own diner. Where she doesn't have to cook all the time but still cooks most of the time. Because she loves it. She says if feel like cooking for the pack again.

Emmett and Rosalie: had their baby boy Lucus two weeks before Sam and Emily got married. Davina and I are the Godparents as they only saw it fitting that since she was the one to give them this gift that she be the godmother and me the godfather. She is now pregnant again and Davina giggles when Rosalie brings up them having another boy. But Davina told me it will be a girl not a boy. They have never been happier. Emmett works as a Police officer under Sam. Rosalie opened a garage where Quil and Embry work.

Paul and Rachel: got married in a quick ceremony one year after everything happened. Rachel got pregnant and didn't want to not be married before the baby was born. Paul opened a gym where other hot heads could come and take their anger out there instead of some innocent kid that didn't deserve it, like he did. Rachel works at the school as an art teacher. They just had a little girl, Layla, five months ago. Their son Anthony is now four.

Davina and I : Davina and I got married two months after she turned 18 she also got pregnant on our honeymoon. Our son Hunter will be turning four here in about three months. Davina is currently six months pregnant with another boy we are naming Dominic. I am a police officer with Sam and Emmett but help out at Paul's gym whenever I can.

Davina opened up a coffee shop closer to the beach where she has always loved to go and clear her head. Her shop is the local hot spot for all the teenagers from La Push and Forks, making Davina smile as they talk and laugh about this or that.

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