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Willows Pov
We're in the games I'm running for my life tyler is right behind me. I run the mutts are chasing us one jumps towards me and Tyler pushed me aside. The mutt jumped on him. Biting his neck.

Tyler!Tyler! No don't die please don't die!!! Shh, willow it's OK, I love you he said.. "sing for me please. " I lay his head on my lap. "Just close your eyes the sun is going down you'll be alright no one can hurt you now come morning light you and I'll be safe and sound." He dies the cannon goes off. Tyler!! Tyler!!! Tyler please don't leave me TYLER!!!!

"Shh, willow it's not real it's just a dream. " I open my eyes and see Haymitch I must've woken him up. It's early in the morning,in fall So it's a little cold . " sorry I didn't mean to wake you. "

"It's OK sweetheart. I got you some cereal in the kitchen if you want some. "He said. I nod. I go downstairs and eat. "Today I have to go to the meetings again So you'll be staying with Gale. " Haymitch said.

I'm back home in 12 it's been a year since the games. I'll be 16 next week. Haymitch has been taking care of me since. Although sometimes I stay with gale because Haymitch has business meetings to attend to.

I feel lonely Ive been waking up every night with nightmares of the games . I go to my room, get my bag and walk with Haymitch to the train station. Then when he left I walk to Gales newly bought house.

I knock on the door. A couple of seconds later, the door opened. " hey" I said. " Hey, willow did you already have breakfast? " Gale asked. " yea with Haymitch. " I said.

"Good. Well I was about to go hunting want to go?" He asked. " sure " I said. " great just put your bag, in there, and put on your coat and Let's go. I put my bag next to the wall, grab my coat and go outside.

We slide in under the fence, and he goes to get his bow and sheath of arrows. " where's yours at?" he asked . " Oh me and mom hid it in that big Oak tree up ahead. " I tell him.

We hunt for hours. Until the sun is fully up. I go to kill the rabbit just a few feet in front of me, then I see.it transform into Alex and start to scream.

Shh,shh, you're OK you're OK" Gale said. "Sorry " I said. " we should go " he said. We hide our bows and head home. Well to his house. " you really miss him don't you?" Gale asked suddenly. " who,Tyler?, yea a ton." I said.
Hoped you liked the first chapter guys!!!!

"And another one bites the dust. Oh why can I not conquer love. And I might have thought that we were one
Wanted to fight this war without weapons.And I wanted it, I wanted it bad.But there were so many red flags
Now another one bites the dust
Yeah, let's be clear, I'll trust no one."
Elastic Heart,Sia .
Catching fire sound track.

Willow Mellark-Rise of the FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now