The Hospital

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Willows P.O.V

When training is over , I went with Tyler in the elevator. "Hey, I forgot something I'll be right back I'll meet you upstairs. " Tyler said.

"Oh OK" I said. I go into the elevator and the glass doors start to close. I press the button with the number 12 on it.

Then someone puts their foot in between the doors. "Well, well look who we have here. " as soon as I here the voice, a chill runs down my shoulder blades. Josh.

" What do you want ?" I snapped at him. " For you to know that I'm going to make you suffer in the arena. I'm going to kill that little boyfriend of yours. "

" Oh no you're not !" I said and went to punch him but, he grabbed my arms and twisted them behind my back.

"Agh!"I scream As he twisted my arms harder . " What? You can't get out, without Tylers protection? " he said pulling my hair back too.

"I dont need protection, but there's nothing wrong with having a little help. " I said and kicked him in well you know his. "Area " . I ran back towards the training center. Josh following me.

I look over my shoulder, I see him pick up a few knives. I run as fast as I can. He threw a knife, I dicked and doged . Then after a minute or so,he tackled me on the floor, taking all the air out of me.

He pulls out a knife and puts it to my face. Then he moves it to my left wrist. " who needs protection now." I try kick him, get out of his grasp but he was to strong. " please ,stop . Why are you doing this now cant it wait until the games. " I said.

"Of course not!" He cuts my wrist. Then my upper arm. I hear someone coming, so does Josh because he runs and leaves me there on the ground bleeding to death.

I'm losing a lot of blood, and fast. I'm too weak to see who's coming. My vision is getting blurry, but I hear someone say, " Oh my God! Willow, Someone help! " then everything goes black.


I wake up in a large white room. Still light-headed and a little weak. Machines next to my bed. I look to my left . Tyler is asleep sitting on a chair. His head on the sky blue sheets of the hospital bed while he's holding on to my hand.

I squeeze his hand, waking home up. "Hey " I said, my voice hoarse and barely a whisper. " Hey, how're you feeling? " Tyler asked. His eyes are red, and have bags around his eyes.

" Better, a little thirsty though " I said. " I'll get you a water." He said. " no, you don't-" I stop because he walked out the door. A nurse with blonde hair walks in.

" Hello my Name is Riley , how're you doing? " she asked. " I'm fine , I think. I'm just A little weak and light-headed but I feel better. " I answer.

"Yea you lost a lot of blood. You're lucky Tyler found you when he did or you would've died. Where is he Anyways? " she asked . " He went to get me water" I said.

" Oh OK, you're lucky to have a guy like him to be by your side you know that . He didn't leave your side at all last night he didnt sleep. I found him asleep at around 10:00 this morning.

Before that he didn't sleep at all. " She takes of the bandages on both of my arms and puts on a cream that looks a lot like the one my mom used in her first games. I look at the wounds they're almost closed now. But I'm going to have scars for the rest of my life.

She puts the cream on and I instantly feel a burn but then it goes away. She changes the bandages and then says,"The doctor said that you're able to leave at 2:00 p.m and also you can only drink water for the next 12 hours. " and leaves.

I look at the clock. 1:00 p.m. Tyler only got three hours of sleep. I feel bad for him. He comes back with the water. " Thank you " I said he sits down. I drink the water.

" You should get some sleep. " I said. " No, not while you're in here. " Tyler said. " Go on, you look tired as ever it's not healthy for you not to sleep. Sleep we still have and hour until I can go back to the penthouse. " I insisted.

"No, I'll just sleep when we get back then. " he said. " fine " I said. " Effie and Haymitch stopped by yesterday but I couldn't explain what happened, because I don't know the whole story. So you know when we get back you're going to get attacked with questions." He said.

" Oh no" I said. "So I'll just wait to find out when we get back. " Tyler said.

Here you go guys another chapter!!! Hoped you liked it!! Please comment and vote!!


" Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you
Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song
Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there's no right answer
Regretting him was like wishing you never found out that love could be that strong" -Red,Taylor Swift

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