Nightlock Anyone ?

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Willows P.O.V

"My..hero..once again. " I said in between coughs. I see smoke coming from somewhere behind Tyler.

"Tyler look " I said my eyes focused on the water. Steam was coming from the water for some reason.
"Woah" Tyler said, helping me up.
"Its everywhere " I say looking around the steam is coming from all around the arena.

We slowly walk towards the water, not Sure what to expect. Tyler bent down and touched the water. " ouch, Damn it!" He said taking his hand quickly out of the water.

"Are you OK? " I asked,looking at his hand which is as red as a tomato.
"Yea, Im fine. Don't touch the water though, it's boiling." Tyler answered.

"Why would the water be-" I stop mid sentence and stare at the water. It was quickly evaporating before our eyes. In a matter of seconds, the ocean was dry. No drop of water to be found.

The same goes for everywhere in the arena where there was steam. No water source, great. In the,distance we see Josh and Jordan running towards us.

"You won't escape this time, Girl of Ashes!" They yelled.
" Come on lets go" I tell Tyler and we start running.

I suddenly remembered the nightlock I saved in my bag.
"Tyler I have an Idea, but we have to climb a tree and fast!" I said. The vines and bushes and tall leafy trees of the rainforest are concealing us from their sight, but not for long.

We climb the first big tree we see using a vine for help. Then once I reached the top, I quickly explain everything that we're going to do.

" OK, I have some NightLock saved in a Sponsor Parachute, when I count to three I'm going to let it float down. Thats where you come in. Once the parachute is floating down, you will imitate the sound of the bells, by whistling."

"OK got it " Tyler said. Then we here Josh say you look around here and I'll look over there. "
"One...two " I whispered.
God, I wish I had some of those delicious blueberries from home. " Jordan said.

once she was under the tree we were at I whisper, " Three " and let go of the 'Sponsor' Parachute. Tyler imitated the sound of the bells but messed up on the very last part.

Fortunately, Jordan didn't notice because she was to busy trying to open the hatch of the Parachute. " Berries! " she said once she opened it up.

She took one and put it in her mouth, then I turned away as the cannon fired because I couldn't bare the fact that I had killed another living being.

"Jordan! Jordan! " We see Josh running back towards her. He kneels down next to the parachute, "NightLock." He said.

"Weak, why must I do everything myself." He said as he ran off.

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor.

Hoped you guys liked this chapter, please comment your thoughts and vote!!

This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

A lot of fight left in me" - Fight Song,Rachel Platten

Willow Mellark-Rise of the FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now