Training Part 2

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Willows P.O.V

Ashes are at my feet . Smoke is in the air. Fire surrounds me. In the distance I can see the woods burning and hear the bombs exploding. I'm running for my life. We are in District 12. The Capitol is bombing us. Every building that once existed now is a pile of bricks. "Willow,Help! Willow, please! " I hear someone in the distance. It's Caleb. I run to where I hear the voice. He's stuck under bricks and ashes. I pull him out. "Run!" I tell him. "Run!" I run towards the train station. In one of the pile of bricks, I see a body. The body has long blonde hair. I immediately know who it is. "Rachel " I whisper. "Rachel! No please wake up! You're my Bestfriend, please don't be dead please! " I hear Caleb scream, "Watch out!" My instinct was to run in his direction just as I get up a bomb exploded, and So did I.

"No!" I'm sweaty and out of breath . I'm shaking, and I can't control it. I just saw my Bestfriend dead. "Willow?! Are you OK?" Tyler comes bursting through the door.

"Yea,just another Nightmare " I said breathing heavy. He sits on my bed and cradles me into his warm strong chest. " Just close your eyes, Just like the song. " he said.

Then he starts to sing, I've never heard him sing before but it's really peaceful and relaxing. " Just close your eyes, the sun is going down. You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now. Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound. "

By this time I'm already sleepy and ready to sleep. I fell asleep on his chest to the beat of his heart.

Yesterday when we got to the penthouse, Haymitch was drunk and Effie just told me to apply ice on my cheek. Luckily the swelling went down. Tyler on the other hand was furious. Right now It's 10:00 and I'm almost ready to go. I'm putting my hair in a ponytail. When I'm finish I go and meet up with Tyler in the elevator.

" Want to go with me to archery station? " Tyler asked. "Sure " I agree just as we reach the training center. We walk to the archery station hand in hand.

"Look who finally showed up. Little Mockingjay , the worthless , ugly, weak, waste of space. " Josh said. "Just keep walking ignore him. " Tyler said to me.

"Hey come back here, I didn't say you could go! " he yelled at me and grabbed me by the right arm, really hard. I winced in pain. He pulls me closer. " You are nothing but a bag of flesh. " Josh said. I slapped him across the face.

" You little " he said digging his nails into my arm. "agh " I cry bitting my lip. Tyler pushed him and said," let her go! You're the mutt! You're the waste of space! Not her!" He pushed Josh again but he didn't let me go.

"Fine you want me to let her go, I'll let her go." He pushed me to the ground hard, I started to feel dizzy . I couldn't stand up. Tyler jumps in front of me and pushes Josh down.

Then Atna comes running in and separates the two of them. " What is happening?! " She asked. "He was hurting Willow! " Tyler said furious. I've never seen him like this.

" Josh go somewhere else " Tyler helped me up and started to pull me to the archery station. " Watch your back Mellark, and you to Dawson! " I hear Josh yell  behind us.

" Willow are you ok? " Tyler asks. " I think So yea. " i said. "Willow your arm" Tyler said looking at my arm. " I look down and see that Josh's Nails cut into my arm, and the cuts are bleeding.

Tyler pulls me to the bathroom, "Tyler no I can't go in there. That's for guys " I said as I'm being pulled into the guys bathroom. " It doesn't matter right now " Tyler said Locking the door.

I sit on the counter While he gets some paper towels and wipes the blood away. "Wait a sec " he said and leaves . He comes back 5 minutes later with white bandages and alcohol.

He pours the alcohol on the cuts and I wince as the burning sensation takes over my arm. He wipes my arm dry and puts the White cotton bandages around my arm.

" Thanks " I said a tear slipping. Tyler wipes it away and picks me up So that I have my legs around his waist.

"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Don't let what Josh said get to you. Remember you're the best thing that's ever been mine. " He said. "And you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. " I said kissing him.

We go outside and go to the archery station once again. I pick up the silver bow and go inside the clear,glass dome. Tyler goes in the dome next to me.

The light go off and then back on. A hologram of a person lights up green. I shoot it right on the heart. Then a hologram of a mutt appears I shoot it in the head. A couple of more hologram appear in the next hour.

My arm got tired, So I decided to to go to the knife throwing station, to practice more on my skills. The Boy from District 1 can hit every target. I better stay away from him.

"You think you can do better? " He said. "Not really  " I said, knowing I couldn't. I throw the knife and it lands somewhere near the head.

"Good try, but maybe you should flick the wrist next time." He said. "Thanks " I said. I throw the knife again flicking the wrist and it hits much more closer to the target.

"Hey,good job! "He said. "My name is Derek Miller by the way. " " Hey Derek, I'm -" " I know who you are '' he said interrupting me.

" You are different from the other careers. " I tell him. " Yea, I didn't want to be here in the first place. I was forced to go here. " Derek said.

"Oh" I said. "Derek get over here now!" Jordan Black his distrct partner yelled. The bell rang for lunch. I go with Tyler. "What do you think you're doing? "

He asked looking really serious. " what? " I asked confused. " Hanging out with Derek, He's dangerous. " Tyler says. " No he's not , he's different from the other careers. He was forced to go here." I stated.

"Oh, Willow you are So gullible. He's Telling you that sad back story So you can relate to him and get closer to him. In the end he will turn on you in the games. I don't want to see you get hurt, Wills. " Tyler said.

"I know you don't and I don't want to see you, but I'm telling you this guy is different. " I said getting my lunch tray and then sitting at the same table as last time.

"Mellark!" I turn around to see Josh . He pretended to slice his throat, the 'I'm going to kill you' sign. " Oh my God Josh cant you just take a break. I'm sure you have something better to do than to harass me. " I told him.

He's about to slap me but Tyler grabs his hand and Atna comes in and pulls Josh away And sat him with the other careers. "See all careers are dangerous. " Tyler said.

"I'm telling you he's different, Tyler "I said. Then its time to go back to training. "Fine but be careful" Tyler said and kissed me on the cheek. "I will, don't worry. " I said and walk back to knife station.

" Hey " I said to Derek. "Hey, So you want to practice more?" He said back. "Sure, I could use all the practice I can get. " I said.

He teaches me some more skills in half an hour, I can almost hit the target but barely. Then I go to the hand - to - hand combat with Tyler.

I battle the trainer falling a couple of times. Then finally getting the hang of things. Tyler on the other hand knock the trainer over a couple of times. "You're good" I say.

"Thanks " he said. Then I go to the archery station, and stay there for the rest of the half hour left of training.

here you go guys hoped you liked it!!! Please comment and vote!!!

"Losing him was blue like I'd never known
Missing him was dark grey all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met
But loving him was red
Loving him was red"
- Red,Taylor Swift

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