The Train

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Tyler's Pov

I see Willow come from her room on the verge of tears. " Are you OK?" I asked. " Yea, but I need to talk to you on the train. " she said. We walk outside, to the flood of cameras waiting to see us.

Willow looks straight not looking at any of the cameras. I do the same and wonder what she wants to talk to me about. " Get in, darlings. " She said waiting for us by the black car.

I let Willow in the car next to the window. I sit next to her. Effie sits on the other window seat next to me. Haymitch sits in the passenger seat next to the driver, who was waiting for us.

Willows Pov

I'm on the car next to Tyler, hearing Effie talk about how she wanted only the very best for us this time around. Tyler grabs my hand as we reach the train station.

As we get off the car, more cameras flash in our faces. " Come on up, Children. " Effie said guiding us into the train.

This is the same train as we were in the last time. So I go to the same room I was in and freshen up. I get out of the shower and look for something to put on.

I decide on a long-sleeved red shirt and jeans. I just finish putting them on when I hear I knock on the door. I open my door and see tyler. Strands of his Dirty blonde hair are wet and stuck to his forehead.

" Hey " he said. " Hey " I said. " You wanted to talk to me about something " he said " Oh yea, come in I'm just going to brush my hair quickly. "

He came in and sat down on the purple bed. I grabbed the brush from the drawer and started brushing my hair. " Why did you do it " I asked. " What?" " Why did you tell Uncle Carter to tell me those things? " I said.

" Because you need to live Willow. I promised myself in the last games that I will protect to with my life. I dont intend on breaking it." He said.

" No tyler! You can't do this. You cant protect me forever! " " Well ,sorry for trying to protect the girl I love!" Tyler yelled back. " I know you mean well but i care about you to ok ! I want you to live! I want to protect you too! You can't go on with this plan ok! I ... I... "

" You what?" Tyler said more calmly. " I don't want to lose you, OK, I can't. I don't want this! " I said breaking down into tears. " I thought that by killing myself this would all be over. In reality I was just thinking about me ." I said.

" Hey, look at me. You are a smart skilled beautiful girl. You can do this. You are a Mellark after all." Tyler said. " thanks " I said smiling.

Theres a knock on the door. " are you kids OK? " I hear Effie say. " Yea, we just had a little disagreement. " I said Answering her.

Here you go guys thanks for reading !! Please comment and vote!!!

" You were in college working part time waiting tables
Left a small town, never looked back
I was a flight risk with a fear of fallin'
Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts"
- Mine,Taylor Swift

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