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Willows P.O.V

I wake up on the couch next to Tyler my head on his chest. I slowly get up and see that the tapes are still playing. I stand up and turned them off.

I look at the time,8:03. Training starts at 10:00 So we still have 2 hours. I walk to my room and go to the bathroom where I wash my mouth and face.

Then I pick out a dark blue dress with a golden belt and black flats shoes with bows on the front. Then I brush my hair and put it in a side-braid like my moms.

I exit my room and see that Effie and Haymitch are already up and ready to start their day. " morning, sweetheart " Haymitch said. "Good morning " I said back.

It's ironic if it were a good morning we wouldn't be here, in the Capitol. I think to myself. " Where's Tyler? " I asked. " We found him asleep on the couch, I work him up and he went to change " Effie said.

"Oh OK" I said. " You ready for training? " Haymitch asked. " I guess. " I said. " OK, what are you going to do first. " " I guess I'm going to practice more on the survival skills for today and tomorrow I'll practice on combat and my weapon skills. " I said.

"Great so you get the idea." He said. Then Tyler walks in. " Hey" I said. " hey " he said back. " OK everyone's here, lets go eat breakfast. " Effie said.

We walk to the ocean blue, dining table. I only take 2 slices of toast and put strawberry jelly and water. " After breakfast, you'll get dressed and go down for training. " Haymitch said.

" OK" I said calmly, though on the inside I'm kind of nervous. I finished eating and went to get dressed. The training uniform was already laid on my bed. This year it's a full body black jumpsuit with a zipper on the top half.

I put my legs in and pull the jumpsuit all the way up and then zip it up. Then I put on the black combat boots, they have for us to where this year.

I come out of my room and see that Tyler is already dressed and ready to go. "Ready?" He asked. "Ready " I said and walk out of the penthouse. In the elevator, Tyler asks," Hey,are you OK Wills? "" Yea,I mean,I'm just nervous about everything you know. I'm just hoping that Josh won't act up again. " I confess.

" Just try to stay away from him as much as possible. If he does hurt you I'll be right there to protect you." He said. We reach the training center.

" What are you going to do first?" Tyler asked. " I think the edible plants . How about you?" I asked back. " I think the snares and knots station. " Tyler said.

"OK then see you later. " I said. " Remember try to avoid him, " he whispers in my ear. " I'll try but I can't promise that he'll avoid me. " as I walked out of the elevator.

I go to the edible plants station. A whole garden of plants to eat and not to eat. Some of these plants grow in the woods like the Katniss roots, but others are grown near jungles and oceans.

an interesting mix for an arena. I can't quite figure out what it is yet. The instructor remembers me from last year and immediately starts to teach me on the advanced level.

After an hour on that station, I say goodbye and go to the knots station where Tyler is still there. "Hey " I said. "Oh Hey" he said. "What are you doing there?" I asked him.

"Its called a fisherman's knot. It creates sort of a net and when fish swim through, they get stuck. " He explains.

"It kind of looks like a birds nest. " I said teasing him . "Shut up" he said nudging me over and smiling. " What are you doing here anyways, weren't you supposed to be at the edible food station." Tyler said

"Oh I was but I finished, So know I'm going to practice doing some snares. " I explain. " Oh OK" he said.

I get down on one knee on the floor and start to the simple but useful knots that are need in order to get food in the arena if no weapon is available .

Even though there's going to be 2 of every weapon available you never know. When I'm done with the snares, I stand on the stand next to Tyler and look at the screen and start to do the knots as instructed.

I wasn't really that good at making those complicated knots So I just sat and watched Tyler make them. Then we are called to lunch.

Where once again me and Tyler where seperated from everyone else. We grabbed our lunch, I chose a salad, and sat at a separate table.

I see Josh comes by our table with his food. He "accidentally " spilled some of his hot soup on me. I gasp, and then say," What the heck! I didn't even do anything! "

"HEY get out of here! You better -"Tyler gets interrupted by Josh. "I better what? Watch my back you're the one that has to watch Your back Twelve . I'm going to get you , you little Mutt. It's Time for revenge. Your mother killed my Uncle, Cato and know I'm going to kill you!" He said.

He smacked me right across the face, creating a small cut on my cheek. Then when he turns to leave he spills some more soup on me.

"Hey come back here you little - " Tyler was furious . "Tyler he's not worth it " I said. my cheek was hurting a lot .

Everyone was staring at me. I looked like a mess. This is So embarrassing . I feel like I'm about to cry. "Are you ok? " Tyler asked. "Yea, I'm..I'm fine. I'm going to go clean up now. " I said and ran to the bathroom.

In the bathroom I started to cry none stop until I got all my feelings out. A girl around the age of 14 comes up to me and helps me clean up. " Thanks " I said,As I got the noodles out of my hair.

She started to wipe my clothes with a towel. "Why...are you... doing ...this?" I asked between tears "Because in my District kindness is key" she said and smiled. "My name's Jennifer by the way, Jennifer DeWitt, but my Friends call me Jen. I'm from District 4."

"Hey Jennifer , thanks for everything. " I said putting a paper towel with cold water over my cheek. " it's no big deal,believe me. I do this all the time. " Jennifer said. " Hey, I was thinking want to be allies? " she asked .

" I mean only if you want to. I'm good with a Trident and sword. I can hunt for food in the water. I have basic survival skills. I can also swim fast, the fastest in my district and-" " yes" I say interrupting her.

"really! Oh thanks So much! " she said. "Hey want to sit with us? " I asked. " no thanks I've been told to sit with my District partner Christian . Well I should get going. " she Said and leaves.

I look at the mirror,my face is still red and you could tell ive been crying ,but what can you do.I go outside anyways. When I get outside, lunch was already over.

I went with Tyler to the tree climbing station. I already know how to climb trees. I just didn't feel like doing anything else today. " Willow, look at your face look at what he you. " Tyler said brushing his finger against my cheek. I winced.

" Does it hurt? " he asked concerned. " no I'm fine " I said. "Willow I-" "I made an ally ." I said interrupting him. " who?" He asked. " Jennifer DeWitt , District 4" I said.

"Oh OK, Ive seen her Combat and Trident skills today she's good. " Tyler added. Before we knew it the hour was over and we all went back to our apartments.

May the odds be ever in your favor.

Hoped you liked this one!!! Thanks So much for reading and please tell me what you think!!! Please comment and vote!!!!

" Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street
Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly
Loving him is like trying to change your mind once you're already flying through the free fall
Like the colors in autumn, so bright just before they lose it all" -Red, Taylor Swift

Willow Mellark-Rise of the FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now