The Interviews

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Willows P.O.V

Tyler was already backstage when I got there. " Hey " he said. " Hi" I said back. "We're on in 20 minutes " Tyler said.

" Thanks, 20 minutes till we have to lie and be all fake. " I tell him. " Tell me about it. I have to say that the Capital saved my life, ugh " Tyler said. We stand there for about 2 minutes when he says, " You look beautiful by the way " " Awe that you so much, you look handsome yourself. " I tell him and he laughs.

We stand their and wait For 20 minutes until our names are called. One by one tributes names are called. Liam Bleu, Annabeth McGraw, Donald Joseph, Isabelle Gold,Alexander James, Angelique Malcomson.

Finally I hear, "From District 12 you love him! You know him, half of the star-crossed lovers! Tyler Dawson! " Caesar called out. "Good luck !" I said. " Thanks " Tylet said as he walked into the ocean of applauding Capital citizens.

They go back and forth telling jokes and questions and answers. Then Caesar asked, " How do you feel about everything that's happening to you and Willow?"

Tyler's smile goes away. Here it is the ' little white lie ' Snow wants him to say. " Well to be honest Caesar it's horrible. First they save your life and then they want to kill you again. They should've let me die. " Tyler said, he looks frustrated.

" I see, but then you couldn't have volunteered for Caleb. " Caesar said. " I guess that's true. " Tyler said. " Well that's all the time we have today ,folks. Tyler Dawson everybody! " Caesar yelled out.

Tyler comes backStage again. " Are you ok? " I asked him. " Yea, good luck " he tells me . " Ladies and gentlemen! Tyler was not the last of the tributes ." Oh oh I think to myself.

" The beautiful, the amazing, Girl of Ashes! From District 12 Willow Mellark ! " I swallow hard as I walk into the wave of applause and blinding lights.

" Willow! How have you been." Caesar asked. " Well I'm fine for someone going into the slaughter. " I tell him. " I see " he says.

" Willow, I hear you have a little surprise for us in stored." Caesar said. I look at Violet. She moves the dress and then motions for me to twirl.

"I - I guess I do. " I said. " Great!" Caesar said. I stand up and say, " Well here it is. " I start to spin . The dress starts to turn into ashes as I kept spinning. Once the ashes all reached to the top, they started to fly away and the dress started to transform.

The bottom of the dress turned from black to dark-grey and white. As the ashes keep flying away, the dress turns white. On the waist area the dress has black and silver jewels.

A black ribion with jewels in the middle appears. The jewels end at chest area. The top of the dress transforms from tubed to heart shaped. Then I stop spinning.

Its amazing! "WOW, Willow! How stunning! Isn't she folks? Isn't she stunning! " Caesar asks the audience. The crowd goes crazy in applause and cheers.

I sit down , feeling a little dizzy. " Willow, you have blowed me away once again! " Caesar said. " Well,now Caesar I can't take all the credit. None of this would have happened if it weren't for violet. " I said.

"Violet please take a bow" Caesar said. I see violet stand up and bow. Everyone applauds and she smiles. Then the applause dies down and on to the next question.

"Willow tell me, how are you feeling about the games?" Caesar asks more serious this time. " Well, To be honest with you Caesar, I don't know. I do know one thing though. " I said.

"And what is it, dear?" Caesar asks. "The fire has grown since the last games. The fire has found a new home. The fire's found a home in me. " I said.

"I see, I see. Well that's all the time we have for you today Willow. WILLOW MELLARK EVERYBODY! " Caesar said yelling the last part.

" Thank you " I said. The buzzer ranged and it was time for me to go backstage again.

I walk behind the stage again, when the interview Is over. The first person I see is Tyler . " That was amazing! Your is completely transformed. " Tyler said and hugged me.

"Thanks, I didn't even know I was going to do that!" I said. " The ending was a nice touch, Sweetheart. "Haymitch said. "it made you sound tough."

Then I hear a voice that I've missed to long say, " Willow! " it was my mom! "MOM! " I said and ran to hug her. "I missed you so much. Then my dad appears and I hugged him.

"Oh my God what are you guys doing here?!" I asked,suddenly hyper. " We just wanted to say our goodbyes before tomorrow. Come on lets go upstairs before anyone sees us. " My dad said.

Once we got to the penthouse my mom turned and hugged me tightly. " I'm so sorry Willow." She said. " For what " I asked. " Not being able to stop the games soon enough " my mom was in tears. My dad had to pull her up and comfort her.

"Katniss, come on she can do it. She is our daughter after all. They both can. They already did it once. " he said.

That's pretty much what we did for the rest of the night. By 10:30 we were all on bed. The games start tomorrow.

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" Oh, losing him was blue like I'd never known
Missing him was dark grey all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met
'Cause loving him was red
Yeah, yeah, red
We're burning red" - Red, Taylor Swift

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