The Dog Days Are Over (Maurders Era! Sirius Black/Reader)

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Author's Note: I received a really interesting request from JulzLovDraco4Eva , this is for you! Sirius Black is one of my favorite characters from Harry Potter, so I really enjoyed writing this. I'm sorry that it's a bit short, but I hope you all enjoy, nonetheless.

TW: Mentions of abuse

The summer excitement had blown full force through the corridors of Hogwarts

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The summer excitement had blown full force through the corridors of Hogwarts. Everyday people were bustling about, talking about their summer plans and scrambling to study for the last couple of exams for the semester.

I found myself in the midst of all the commotion as my sister and I packed our bags in preparation for summer break. James had invited our entire friend group over to his house for the summer. It was the end of our 5th year at Hogwarts, and since we were getting older and almost 6th years, our parents had agreed to let us stay at Jame's house for a period of the summer.

My sister Lily was dating James. They had been together for a while and our friends would joke with James and ask him constantly how he can tell me and my sister apart. Lily and I were twins. And although having a twin came with its frustrations, it also guaranteed me with a lifelong best friend. Lily and I were close, inseparable even. But even twins needed breaks sometimes.

I saw this summer as an opportunity to spend more time with my friends as a group and not just my sister.

"Are you excited?" Lily asked as she folded one of her shirts.

She placed it in her suitcase and then closed it, locking the hinge on the outside.

"Very. I was actually surprised that James invited us all. I expected him to just want you there," I said.

I glance up from packing and noticed Lily's face blush a bit. She chuckled a bit as she pulled her suitcase off the bed, sitting it on the floor upright.

"I don't think mom and dad would have allowed that," she said.

"You're probably right," I said.

I placed my last few items in my suitcase and almost on cue, we heard Remus call out from downstairs.

"The train isn't going to wait all day for you two!" he said jokingly.

"We're coming," Lily called out.

We grabbed our things and made our way to the Hogwarts Express. We found an empty cabin, and all sat down together. Remus, Lily, and James sat on one seat while I sat across from them, along with Peter and Sirius.

I turned my head and gave a quick smile to Sirius. I hadn't seen him for the past couple of days. He smiled back, not saying anything.

Sirius was a good friend of mine. Honestly, he was one of my best friends. I could talk to Sirius about anything and he always was there to listen and I would do the same for him. Being a twin was hard sometimes because people tended to not view you as an individual. They viewed you as one half of a set of of twins, but rarely as an individual person.

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