Blood Loss (Hannibal Lecter/Anemic!Reader)

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Author's Note: Hi! I haven't forgotten about this book. I've just been working on other stuff at the moment. Finally, after such a long time, I can dive back into my passion of writing.

This was originally posted on my book "Horror Movie Slashers One-Shots and Preferences". I hope you enjoy!

Fandom: Hannibal (TV Show)


I stirred in my bed as I slowly became more awake and aware of my surroundings. My head pounded as I opened my eyes, quickly squinting them due to the sunlight pouring into my room. I groaned as I threw my blanket off of me. Huffing as I sat up, I noticed that my bedroom door was open and the hallway light was on. Was someone here?

A feeling of lightheadedness rushed over me as I stood up, shuffling to the door. I poked my head out of the door and stared down the hallway. My apartment felt colder than usual. "Jesus," I mumbled to myself as I ran my hands up my arms. I stepped out in the hallway and began to make my way to the living room to turn up the thermostat. "You should be in bed," a familiar voice stated, causing me to jump. "Hannibal? What are you doing here?" I asked the psychiatrist.

He stood at the end of the hallway in the living room. "Do you not remember?" he questioned as I walked past him.

I ran my hands over my hair, attempting to fix my bed head a little. "Remember what?" I asked. I tried to retrace my steps in my head. Now that I thought about it, I didn't recall going to bed last night.

"You passed out last night," Hannibal stated.

Oh, now I remembered.

"You must have also been very tired because you didn't wake up afterwards. Most people, even anemics, wake up after fainting," he said as he entered the kitchen.

"Anemic?" I questioned.

"Don't act like you have no idea what I'm talking about," he said, emerging from the kitchen with two bowls. "Protein scramble," he said as he handed me a bowl with a fork.

"Thank you," I said looking down at the bowl. It was indeed a "protein scramble". In the bowl were scrambled eggs, sausage, a small amount of caramelized onions, and tomatoes. Without any hesitation, I began eating. I was much hungrier than I expected.

"You need to go to the doctor, (Y/N)," Hannibal said, sitting across from me at my makeshift dining room table, which was a simple fold-out table.

"No," I stated clearly. I hated going to the doctor. The last thing I wanted to do was sit in a doctor's office. "Why would I need to go to the doctor?" I questioned, knowing fully why I needed to go.

"You have iron deficiency anemia. It's treatable but requires a diagnosis. Hence why it's best if you go to the doctor," Hannibal explained.

"How could you possibly know that I'm anemic? Have you been snooping in my office?" I asked. I was not diagnosed but past medical records of mine mentioned that I should get tested.

"May I remind you that I'm not just a psychiatrist. I practiced medicine for many years," Hannibal said.

"And your professional diagnosis would be?" I asked.

Fandom One-Shots and Headcanons (UNDER SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now