That Beautiful Sound (Beetlejuice/Reader)

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Author's Note: I originally wrote this to go with the new Broadway version of Beetlejuice but I guess it can go with the original Beetlejuice and the cartoon version, it just all depends on your own imagination. Hope you enjoy!

Fandom: Beetlejuice

I leaned on the restroom stall, glancing at the large mirror in front of me. I rolled my eyes at the events that had previously happened as I approached the sink. Today has been, to say the least, the worst day of high school ever.
Yes, I know that sounds like an exaggeration. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I'm an over emotional, stereotypical teenager that's just a tad bit frustrated with my classmates. But it's worse than that. I think what I'm going through counts as physical assault and mental trauma.
You see, for years I've been bullied at my school. Mostly by kids in my grade and the ones above me. It was all based on the fact that I wore dark clothes, read a lot of books, and kept to myself. The bullying had no backing to it and today one of those infamous bullies proved my point.

Let's just say I thought swirlies only happened in the movies and I thought the main victims were boys.

But not today.

Today I got blindsided and dragged into the girls bathroom. Soon I found myself holding my breath as my head was shoved into a toilet.
Water dripped from my hair and landed on the floor. I looked at my shirt. It too was soaked in disgusting water. I bent my head down and my eyes started to tear up.

"They've went too far. This is enough. I can't do this every single day,"  I thought to myself .
Tears ran down my checks as I looked back into the mirror. I reached for the knob on the sink. My hand froze half way and a small smirk emerged in my face. I looked around the bathroom. There wasn't anybody in the bathroom but myself.

"He's never going to find a way to thank me for this one," I thought to myself .
"Beetlejuice," I said smiling.
The air got tense and a breeze appeared out of nowhere, whistling in my ear.
"Beetlejuice!" I said, louder than before.

There was a gust of wind and one of the bathroom stalls busted open.

"Heya, babe. How's it hanging?"

The demon dusted off his striped suit. I looked at him and didn't answer. He noticed my hair dripping.

"What happened?" he asked.

"I got swirlied," I mumbled.

"Gross," he said.

"Yeah, you think?" I said sarcastically.

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers. A gust of wind blew over me and suddenly I was completely dry. He walked over and put his hand on my shoulders, looking into my eyes.

"Have you been crying, babe?" he asked.

I could only manage nod to his question before more tears formed in my eyes. He pulled me into his chest and gave me a hug. He smelled like an odd combination of dirt and pumpkin spice.

"So, what's been going on? Why'd you call? Except for obviously needing a hug from your favorite demon."

Beetlejuice had his hands on my shoulders, eyebrow raised.

"I'll put it in the shortest terms I can think of. I've been getting bullied for months and I'm sick and tired of it," I said glancing at him.

A small smirk appeared on Beetlejuice's face. Honestly, I was hoping he'd catch my drift.  

"Ah, so that's why you called me. So what are we talking about, here? Possession? Classic haunt? Demonic invasion?"

Beetlejuice's face lit up like a happy puppy. He approached me with excitement.

"Hold up. This isn't the average demonic haunting, Stripes," I said, patting his shoulder.

"What do you mean?" he asked in confusion.

"First things first, can you make the two of us invisible for a second?" I asked.

"Why?" he asked.

"You'll see, just do it." 

The two of us seemed to spark with light and I looked around.

"Did it work?" I asked looking at him.

He simply nodded and began to walk out of the bathroom. We were soon standing in the middle of the cafeteria. Nobody could see us or hear us.

"So who's the target and why did you make me make us invisible?" he asked.

"The invisibility was so none of these boneheads can see us," I looked around at the mass amount of teenagers and adults, "and the targets are sitting there."

I pointed at a lunch table that was across the cafeteria. Sitting at it consisted of the stereotypical high school popular kids. It's sad to say that they are stereotypes but that's how these kids decided to present themselves. 

Beetlejuice cracked his neck and began to walk over but I put my hand on his chest.

"Wait, let's make this even more fun. They are the main targets but wouldn't it be fun to just cause some anarchy?" I asked.

His face twisted into mischievous smile.

"Do you catch my drift?" I asked.

He simply nodded his head and morphed into one of the striped sandworms he had shown me in the Netherworld.

Suddenly, Beetlejuice was visible to everyone. The cafeteria doors slammed shut and locked themselves. I walked over to an empty table and say down, laughing at the students screaming faces. Teachers were running around getting in front of students, trying to shield them with their arms. Beetlejuice made three other sandworms appear and a multitude of copies of himself that ran around terrorizing the teens.

As the copies of himself ran around, the real Beetlejuice walked over to me and say on top of the table.

"Do you hear that sound?" he asked laughing. I looked up at him.

"What sound? The sound of those screams?" I asked.

"Yes, that beautiful sound. This is what I live for, babe," he said.

We both turned out head and watched the chaos of teenagers running around screaming.

"Wait? Don't you mean this is what you died for?" I asked jokingly.

He shook his head and laughed.

"I little chaos now, guilt later. And it's all worth it,"  I thought.

It's all worth it.



Fandom One-Shots and Headcanons (UNDER SERIOUS EDITING)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora