Shōta Aizawa (Eraserhead) General Headcanons

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Author's Note: Here's some general headcanons for Aizawa! It's not many but I'll be doing more in the future. If you have and headcanon scenarios or one-shot requests let me know! I hope you guys enjoy!

 If you have and headcanon scenarios or one-shot requests let me know! I hope you guys enjoy!

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• Constantly aware of his surroundings. Doesn't slip into deep sleep although he naps constantly. With everything that goes on in the world he can't let his guard down.

• He's not a picky eater.

• His kitchen is full of snacks because he doesn't cook often.

• Aizawa gives great advice.

• He's a teacher so he's witnessed plenty of panic attacks. He knows how to help others get through them. It's just second nature now.

• Aizawa has a couple a tattoos. (I will die on this hill)

• He does nap in the most random of places. He's slept on the floor, on his desk, under his desk, the couch in the teacher's lounge, multiple people's laps. The list goes on and on. He never sleeps in a place where he knows it'll be an inconvenience. If it's comfortable and doesn't bother anyone it automatically becomes a place for a potential nap.

• Many people have knitted and gifted him scarves and he loves them. He doesn't really express it but he genuinely likes them.

• Speaking of scarves, Present Mic gave him one for the holidays while they were still in school. Aizawa still has it.

• He likes to draw but barely has the time to do so.

• Potentially loosing an eye has never been a concern. He chose to become a pro hero and he knew that it was a risk. He knew that someone would eventually target his eyes in a fight.


AN: And that's all for now! Which character should I do next?

AN: And that's all for now! Which character should I do next?

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Fandom One-Shots and Headcanons (UNDER SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now