Beanstalk (Sweet Pea/Reader)

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    Author's Note: Hey, guys. So I wrote this back when I was going to make a Pt. 2 of this book but decided it was too soon. So here it is for all of you Riverdale fans.

Riverdale is such an odd place. And now I see it as it is. A welcoming town that turns into a Wes Craven movie as soon as you start to notice its little, dirty secrets. But, despite the horror stories, you'll find comfort. And somehow I found comfort in a very tall, very handsome, Southside Serpent.


~*August*~ (A Week Before Junior Year)

"So. You're telling me that you've been planning to move me to public schooling this whole summer without telling me?" I looked at my parents, stunned. Parents weren't supposed to rip away your day to day life without telling you. Lying was okay. Every parent does it. But secrets were different in a sense.

I had been homeschooled since 1st grade. I went to Riverdale Elementary for Kindergarten but my parents seemed to think that I was better off at home. Apparently, I didn't get along with other kids well. I honestly still didn't want to be around anyone my age. Social anxiety is a horrible thing. Which is the exact reason why I've been dreading the day my parents decided to "socialize" me. I sat on the arm of our couch, looking at my parents from across the room. "Why did you wait so long to tell me?" I asked. My mother sighed, taking a sip from her glass of wine. "To give you less time to put up a fight.'re a fighter. And you're stubborn, (Y/N). If we had told you a month ago you probably wouldn't be going. But since we're telling you now, you can't argue. The decision is made." My mother looked at my father, who had his arms crossed. I rolled my eyes. They were right. I couldn't put up a fight when school was a week away. "Fine," I said standing up, "I guess I'll go mentally prepare myself or....something."


~*September 1st*~ (First day of school)

I got up unbelievably early to get ready for my first day at Riverdale High. Despite my annoyance towards my parents, I actually found myself slightly excited to see what this school was like. I knew public school wasn't anything like what you see on TV or in movies like "Mean Girls" so the excitement wasn't as big as you would think. I had heard what happened last summer. About this kid named Jason Blossom being shot. I mean, it wasn't like I wasn't going to hear it. The Blossoms basically ran Riverdale until they found out that Jason's father was the killer. Then Clifford committed suicide, last thing I heard. So my excitement was more focused around my odd obsession with the darkness life holds.

I rummaged through my closet, finding a 1st day worthy outfit. Skinny jeans, a David Bowie t-shirt, and a leather jacket. Yeah. Worthy.

I made my way down stairs, car keys in hand. "Are you not going to eat breakfast?" I heard my mom call from the dining room. "No, I don't have enough time." I said walking out of the door. I got in my car, starting it and revving the engine. I turned on the radio which was already on my favorite rock station, therefore I turned the volume almost all the way up. I pulled out of the driveway and made my way to school. May God be with my soul.


~*Riverdale High*~

I parked in the crowded parking lot and turned my car off. Sighing, I grabbed my backpack from the passengers seat and my Monsters Energy Drink. As I got out of the car I looked around at my surroundings. I made my way towards the front of the school and headed straight for the office since I hadn't received a schedule. I walked into the large office. "Excuse me," I said walking to the front desk, "I don't have a schedule." A tiny woman with red hair and oval glasses sat behind the desk. She looked at me and then at her computer. After typing for a few seconds she looked at me. "First and last name?" she asked. "(Y/N) (L/N)" I stated. She typed my name in and a piece of paper printed quickly from her printer. She took the paper and handed it to me. "You're new, right?" she asked. I nodded. "Then wait right there." She picked up the phone on the intercom. "Betty Cooper, please report to the front office." she called over the intercom.

After a few agonizing minutes of silently waiting in the office, a girl came into the office. She was tall and blonde. Her hair was in a high ponytail. Her entire outfit was like a beautiful, washed out painting, which consisted of soft pinks and pastel blues. "Betty. This is our new student, (Y/N). Would you please give her your timeless tour of our school?" The secretary said behind her desk. "Sure, thing. Follow me, (Y/N)."

I followed behind Betty. The hallways had emptied because the bell had already rung. Betty assured me that I would be excuse for being late. "So, (Y/N). Where are you from?" Betty asked me. I walked a little faster to be by her side. "Here. I'm from Riverdale." I stated. "But you're new?" Betty asked, confused. "I was homeschooled. My parents decided it was time for me to get out into the social scene that is Riverdale High School." I explained. "Oh, well that's cool."

We walked down the hallway and Betty pointed out important locations like the cafeteria, library, and all of my classes on my schedule. We came upon a rather comfy room, filled with couches, chairs, and vending machines. "Oh, I almost forgot. This is the student lounge. We can actually go in here right now." We walked into the lounge. There were a few students scattered everywhere. On a couch was a lanky guy with dark hair, wearing a beanie and a flannel jacket. Beside him was a muscular red-head wearing a blue and gold varsity jacket. "(Y/N), this is Jughead Jones and Archie Andrews." Betty said, introducing the teens. Before I could introduce myself or even give the guys a proper handshake, a bubbly red-headed girl turned me around.

"Hello, I'm Cheryl Blossom," she said sticking her hand out, which I shook, "and who are you?" I glanced at Betty, who looked rather annoyed that she'd been interrupted. "I'm (Y/N)." I said. I quickly analyzed Cheryl, taking in and eyesore of red. I'm not kidding. All of her clothes has some splash of red on it. "Anyways....Guys," Betty turned to Archie and Jughead. "This is (Y/N). She's new here. But not really." She said looking at me. "Not really?" Jughead asked, confused just like Betty had been. "I was homeschooled." I quickly said. He nodded his head. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Cheryl sit down, annoyed at the fact that I was no longer paying attention to her. "Homeschooled?" I heard a completely new voice say from the entrance of the room. I looked up and saw a very, very tall guy with dark hair and tan skin. "Hi, Sweetpea." Jughead said, looking up. "Sweet Pea? Jughead? Are you guys related?" I asked, simply based on the fact that the two had odd names. "No, we both just happen to have weird names." Jughead said. "Who are you?" Sweet Pea asked. "This is (Y/N), Sweet Pea. She's new to the whole public school situation, so be nice." Jughead said. I noticed Sweet Pea looking up and down. He simply nodded.

"Look at the time. Betty, I'm gong to miss my entire class." I told her, trying to get away from the awkward atmosphere. "Let me walk you." Sweet Pea said. "That's a great idea, Pea." Betty said. I looked at her but she only smiled. She was setting me up. "C'mon, shorty." Sweet Pea said. I followed behind him, trying to keep my distance. I eventually walked beside Sweet Pea, but kept conversation to a minimum. There was something about this guy. He was cute, I couldn't ignore that fact. But there was something about him that made my gut say, "Stay Away".

When we got to my class, he said something that kind of shocked me. "Give me your phone." He said. "Excuse me?" I asked. "Don't worry, I won't steal it. But you got to unlock it." I slowly took out my phone and unlocked it. I handed it to him and he typed something, but I couldn't see due to his height. He handed the phone back and walked away without a word. I looked at what he did. He gave me his phone number. I turned around to say something but Sweet Pea was already gone. "See you later, Beanstalk." I mumbled.


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