Flower Crowns (Wesley Taylor/Reader)

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Author's Note: Here's a sweet little one-shot. Requested by TheBandGeek21 and unfortunately it was requested a long time ago. I'm sorry for such a long wait! Life has completely gotten in the way of writing but I finally have started working on stu8again. I also apologize if it's short or boring, I tried my best. I hope you all enjoy! Let me know!


I took a deep breath of fresh air as I stepped outside. Recently I had returned home away from the dense concrete jungle to get away from the chaotic life of broadway. Months ago the musical I had been in had began to look for new actors and it was a sign to me to take a break from the fast life in New York. It wasn't the only sign. Panic attacks, loneliness, fear all resided in me when I first moved to New York. One of the only people that could make those feelings go away was Wesley. While he was performing as Plankton in the SpongeBob musical I was only 3 minutes away at the August Wilson Theatre as Karen Smith in Mean Girls the musical. We had met at the Tony Awards backstage and bonded over our love for theatre.

Almost two years had past and I was ready to step down from my role in Mean Girls and SpongeBob the Musical was closing. "Are you upset?" I asked Wesley as we sat down for coffee one morning. "No, we had a good run. It was fun and that's all that matters," he said. I nodded my head and took a sip of my coffee. "How about you? Are you upset?" he asked me, referring to me stepping down from my role. "Just as upset as any actor is when they take their final bow in a life-changing role," I mumbled. "It's for the best though. I was too stressed. I love Broadway, I love acting. But everyone needs a break. Take Lin, for example, he hasn't been on Broadway since his final bow in Hamilton. He said he needed a well-deserved break. I need one too." I explained. "He still works his ass off though," Wesley said. "So what're you going to do after you take your final bow?" he asked. "Go home. Visit my family." I said. "So like a small vacation?" Wesley asked. I nodded my head. "I'm going to miss you," he said, putting his hand out on the table. I reached across and took it. "I'm going to miss you too," I said.

I had done exactly what I said I would do. I had gone home to the rural town I grew up in to visit my family. I felt as if I could finally breathe again, quite literally. It was such a comfortable change from the tall skyscrapers, flashing lights, and constant noise. However, despite the comfortable change I still missed my friends. I missed Wesley most of all who had become much more than a friend over the few years.

I walked off the front porch and onto the grass. I had no shoes on so I stopped for I minute and wiggled my toes on top of the earth. I hadn't stepped into grass and such a long time. I had never gone to Madison Square Park while in New York so everything I laid eyes on in the city was either concrete, metal, or some other type of a hard surface. I continued to walk in the grass walking away from my parents' house and towards a hill. As I approached the top of the hill I stopped and took in the view. The sun shimmered onto the land my family owned. Beams of sunlight reflected off of the water from a pond in our neighbors' yard.

I sat down in the grass on top of the hill. My hands slid across the grass. I looked to my side and noticed a patch of flowers. I wasn't sure what kind they were but I reached to my side and grabbed onto them, pulling a handful of them from the ground. I lay them out in front of me and I began to twist and braid them together. Memories began to flash in my head of when I was a kid and I'd make flower crowns for my friends and mom. I almost instinctively started knotting the flowers together. I was shocked that I hadn't forgotten how to make them.

"I never knew how to make those," I heard a familiar voice say. My head darted up and standing in the sunlight was Wesley. "Wesley? What are you doing here?" I asked as I jumped up and rushed to him. He pulled me into a hug. "Well, it had been so long since the last time we saw each other. I thought I'd surprise you," he said as he pulled away and placed his hands on my shoulder. "Well it's a great surprise," I said through a huge smile. I hugged him once more. "So what are you doing out here?" he asked. "Enjoying nature. Come sit with me," I said as I ushered him to sit down on the ground. I picked up the unfinished flower crown and continued to work on it. "How have you been?" I asked. "Good. I mean, I've been kind of lonely without you in New York with me but besides that, I've been good," Wesley said. I could feel his eyes on me as I picked up more flowers. "How have you been?" he asked. "I feel a lot better than I did in New York. I can sleep the whole night without tossing and turning. I haven't had any panic attacks," I said as I glanced up to look at him, "I've just been...I don't know," I said, not being able to fully express my feelings or emotions.

"Lonely?" Wesley asked. I looked up at him and nodded. "Yeah. I have my family here and I love them but something has been missing," I explained. My eyes darted down to avoid eye contact with him. I flipped the finished flower crown in my hand before sitting up on my knees and leaning closer to Wesley. I put the crown on his head and he returned the gesture with a soft smile. "Thank you, (Y/N)," he said.

I was close to him, balancing my weight on my knees so I didn't fall over on him. "Wesley, I know why I've been so lonely," I said just above a whisper. He looked into my eyes but didn't say anything. "I've had a lot of time to think about you while I've been home. And I've realized that I'm in love with you. It took being away from you to realize how much I need you in my life," I explained. I leaned closer to him and he closed the gap by kissing me gently on the lips. He slowly pulled away and took my head in his hands, gently caressing my face. "I've been waiting for you to say that for a long time," he whispered. I smiled and hugged him then pulled him down on to the grass, laying with him. I curled up to him as we watched the clouds. "I love you," he said. "I love you too," I said.


Author's Note: And that's it! Short, simple, sweet. I'm very ashamed at how long it took me to write this short one-shot. I'm sorry times a million. I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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