Raise A Little Hell (Billy Hargrove/Reader)

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Fandom: Stranger Things

I walked down the sidewalk along with Nancy as we talked about school. Nancy had always been a close friend, a real friend. Not like Carol or Tina. When Barbara went missing last year she became closer than she had in years, possibly to make up for lost time with Barb. I wasn't bothered with being a replacement, but I often found myself thinking about it. I thought about it a lot. 

I brushed my hair back behind my ear as I looked across the street, examining the Halloween decorations. Nancy snapped me back into reality as she said my name.

"C'mon, (Y/N). Me and Steve are going! It'll be fun," Nancy said, excitedly.

"No, Nance. I don't want to be your third wheel. I love you, but I'd rather stay home," I huffed as I watched the leaves fall in front of my face.

"Then don't be a third wheel. You don't have to hang out with us. Just go. Make some friends. Get drunk for crying out loud," Nancy insisted.

"Drunk? Nancy when have you ever gotten drunk? Since when do you like parties anyways?" I questioned, glancing at her with intent.

"Look, I need to get my mind off of some stuff. I know me and you are the good kids of this school and neither one of really party-" she explained before I cut her off. 

"Unless Steve is with us," I said.

"Yes, unless Steve is with us," she agreed, rolling her eyes in the process.

"Why is that exactly?" I asked sarcastically.

Of course I knew the reason. Nancy trusts Steve.

"Steve is my boyfriend and your friend. Do you really want to go to a party, get drunk, and not have a guy you trust to protect you?" Nancy asked, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head in annoyance.

"Ok, I get it. But Nancy, this is a popular kid's party. This is Tina's party. I'm not exactly at your level of popularity or Time's or Steve's. I'm at...Jonathan's level." I explained, jokingly.

"Not funny. And it really doesn't matter. It's Halloween anyways. Put on a simple costume. Trust me," she said reassuring me by grabbing my hands. She looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, I'll go," I said giving in, "This better be worth it. "


Halloween Night

"(Y/N)! Over here!" Steve called out.

He was leaned on his car with Nancy in front of Tina's house. People were in the street, in the yard, and pouring out and into the house. Duran Duran played loudly from inside the house. I walked towards Steve and Nancy dodging a few drunken party goers. 

"You actually came!" Nancy exclaimed, hugging me once I reached Steve's care.

"Yeah, yeah," I said.

"Nice costume. Mötley Crüe?" Steve asked me.

I did a little twirl, showing off my leather pants, studded combat boots, and ripped Mötley Crüe T-Shirt. My hair was slightly teased and my face sported Nikki Sixx's iconic glam makeup.

"Of course. If I'm going to dress up it's going to be awesome and simple and that's exactly what I pulled off. It honestly isn't much of a costume," I stated, smiling.

"Well, you look awesome! Let's go inside and see what's going on," Nancy said.

Both me and Steve nodded and followed Nancy inside.

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