Teeth (The Bowers Gang/Reader)

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Author's Note: This one shot is inspired by the song "Teeth" by 5 Seconds of Summer, hence the title, and it's above if you'd like to listen to it. I just wanted to make it clear that this chapter and the song itself is not about actual teeth.

Oh, yeah. The reader is not one to be messed with it taken granted of in this.

     The high school was bustling with chaos. Controlled chaos. That's all that could ever happen in a high school hallway. Teenagers stormed the halls on the first day back to school, waiting for the bell to wring. Teens leaned against their lockers, gossiping about others, telling stories from summer. Some ran through the halls to get places and to talk to their friends. Others kept to themselves.

     One of those people who kept to themselves was myself. I moved to Derry in the middle of summer, so naturally no one in the high school knew who I was. And despite nobody knowing who I was, that didn't stop them from talking about me, spreading lies and rumors about the new kid.

     I had my locker open, looking at the contents. It was decorated in the inside with pictures of my friends and family taken at my hometown. There was also cutouts of magazine pictures taped on the cold metal surface. As I just started to get lost in my thoughts I was abruptly interrupted by my locker slamming shut. I turned her head quickly to the person who did it.

     A shorter girl stood in front of me. She had crimped hair pulled back high on the top of her hair with a scrunchie. She wore faded blue jean shorts with a matching vest. The girl blew a bubble as she stared at me.

     "What's your deal?" I asked in an annoyed tone. The girl looked (Y/N) up and down. "Who are you?" the girl asked after popping her bubble. "(Y/N). Who are you?" I asked.

     "Greta" she answered back. "Well, Greta. Thanks for closing my locker I could have totally done it myself." I said, opening it back up and grabbing my history book. "Well, I closed it for you. We don't want any demons to come out of your locker." Greta said, reaching back over and closing it. I heard giggles behind her. Her ensemble of friends watched from a distance. My eyebrow raised as I looked at her.

     "Demons?" I asked. "Yeah. Heard you know all about. Don't you worship Satan or something like that?" Greta asked, flicking at the pocket of my jacket. "No. Honestly, what the hell are you talking about?" I asked, locking my locker in the process. "Well, I figured anyone who would dress like that is into some dark shit." she said, pointing at my clothes which were mostly black besides my shirt which was red. I scoffed and shook my head in disbelief at her ignorance. "No, the only "dark shit" I'm into is ripping out ponytails when I beat the crap out of annoying blonde girls like yourself." I retorted.

     Her face curled up and I simply shrugged my shoulders. To extend my point, I pushed Greta into the lockers as I walked by her. "You'll pay for that!" she called out, bringing unnecessary attention onto the both of us. I simply stuck up my middle finger towards her as I walked away.

     As I walked down the hallway I passed four guys. They all stared at me as I walked passed them. "Hey, babe. Wanna come take a ride with us?" I heard one of them call out. Turning around, I examined all of them. I walked towards them. "Which one of you said that?" I asked. The tallest one raised his hand. He had shoulder length black hair and was rather thing. "I did. Gonna give me an answer?" He asked, putting his hands in his back pockets. I looked him up and down. "No, I'm good." I said.

      "Why?" he asked. "Because you're a creep, Hockstetter." another one of the guys said. This one was leaned back on the lockers, looking at the taller one intensely. He had a light brown hair which was grown out into a mullet. He wore  a shirt that has the sleeves cut off. "Ignore Patrick. He talks when he shouldn't." he said causing Patrick to roll his eyes. I nodded my head and started to walk off until the guy with the mullet called out to me. "But the offer is real. If you need a ride home look for a blue convertible." he said. I looked back but ultimately walked away to class.

     Hours passed by and the last bell of the day rang, signaling everyone to leave. I walked outside, noticing a blue convertible out of the corner of my eye. The four guys from earlier in the day were gathered around it, leaning on the back. I began to wonder whether or not I should go with them but I was interrupted once again by Greta.

     "Hey there, (Y/N)." Greta comes as she approached me. "Hey, bit-Greta." I said, chuckling at myself. "Going home to make a blood sacrifice?" she asked. "No, I'm going home to spend some time with you're mother. Oh, wait." I laughed. Greta pushed me back, making me trip and fall. I shook my head and looked up at her. She reached down and grabbed a wistful of my jacket, pulling me towards her and punching me in the face. I grabbed her by the hair and yanked her to the ground with force. I pushed myself up. "You hit like a bitch." I grunted, kicking her in the process.

     "Damn, girl." I turned around. The four guys had moved from the car and approach me and Greta. I looked around and noticed a good bit of the student body has watched the small fight. I looked back down at Greta and back at them. "Wanna go watch a movie before you guys take me home?" I asked the boys. The one with a mullet nodded. He gestured for me to come with them. I kicked Greta once again before walking off with the boys. "I'm Henry by the way," the one with the mullet said, "and that's Victor and Belch. And you've already met Patrick."
     "I'm (Y/N)." I said. We got in the car and drive off. As we drove by the front of the school, I noticed others staring at us as we drove away but I shrugged it off. I sat inbetween Patrick and Victor. Patrick's attempted to sneak his hand onto my thigh. I grabbed it and pushed it away. "Too soon, beanstalk." I laughed. He smiled and looked away and so did I.

     I leaned back into the seat and began to think about my day. I guess one good thing came from it, I made four friends.


Author's Note: Hey, guys. Sorry this was kind of short but I'm trying to get into the habit of writing everyday and posting every other day. I hope you like it. Until the next chapter, Morgan.


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