Capture the Flag (Cutler Beckett/Reader)

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Author's Note: We are out here writing guys. This was a request from cringeworthyalways and like always I had tons of fun writing it. Writing it brought back all the happy memories that I have towards Pirates of the Caribbean. Hope you guys enjoy!


I stride through the corridors of the Beckett residence, searching for my husband. I had married Lord Beckett years ago. For the most part, I was kept secret. Amongst the town I was still referred to by my maiden name mainly because the townsfolk were not aware of our binding relationship. It was kept a secret because it was confidential information which could risk the both of our lives.

I heard a faint tapping noise down the hall, coming from Cutler's office. As I approached, the tapping sound became louder. I peaked my head in and saw my husband standing beside his desk. I looked down, it was his foot tapping. I sighed, knowing that he only ever tapped his foot for two reasons: boredom and worry.

I adjusted my dress and approached him.

"Are you okay, dear?" I asked from behind.

"Yes, I am," he stated.

He didn't turn to look at me or really acknowledge that I was there. His hand grazed against his lips. I noticed his brows furrow, creating deep, dark valleys on his forehead.

"Are you sure? You seem stressed?" I said, placing a gentle hand upon his shoulder.

"I'm fine," he reassured, covering my hand on his shoulder with his own, turning his head slightly to kiss the top of my knuckles.

I nodded my head but my reaction subsided when I shifted closer to him and noticed the rolled out map on his desk. It was being held down by metal paperweights and had a few circles inked out on it.

"It's them again. The pirates? Sparrow? Jones?" I asked, knowing that the map couldn't possibly hold good news.

"Yes. It's pirates. We can't be sure who they are until they get closer," Cutler said.

I removed my hand and walked towards the map.

"What do you mean 'closer', sweetheart?" I asked looking at the map and then him.

"They were spotted near the shore," he said, simply.

He looked into my eyes and I saw true fear.

"If it was Sparrow, he'd be here by now. Negotiating some ignorant compromise. So if it's not him and his crew, we must prepare for the worst," he said, rolling up the map.

He turned to me, holding out his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled my into his chest, hugging me tightly.

"The house will be boarded up to protect you. You'll be here alone for a few days. I have to go order the men. Is that okay?" Cutler asked.

I nodded into his chest.

"If a pillage does happen and they break in, run. Run, (Y/N)."


A couple of days passed and the pirate ship hadn't been spotted since Cutler informed me about the possible attack.

"Maybe they were just sailing by," my mind reassured.

Cutler was still gone, planning to fight back if an attack did happen. My heart yearned for him, for his presence.

Nighttime approached quickly and I found myself in the living room. I sat near the fire, sewing a petticoat together absent mindedly. The fire crackled and popped, filling the room with warmth and creating sounds of comfort, something that I absolutely needed.

Fandom One-Shots and Headcanons (UNDER SERIOUS EDITING)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu