I Still Get Jealous (Lin-Manuel Miranda/Reader)

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Author's Note: Request for cringeworthyalways

Fandom: Broadway


"(Y/N), be still," my hairdresser stated.

I looked at the mirror in front of me. My hair was curled, two strands of it pulled back into a pony tail while the rest lay underneath. I sat in my chair. I played Angelica in Hamilton: An American Musical. I honestly hated the role. Not because of the character. No. It was the fact that I had to watch Lin make out with two other women each night.

Act II was the most painful thing to watch. So by the fifth night as Angelica, I would retreat to my dressing room. Sometimes I wondered if he enjoyed it. Kissing them. Over and over and over.

Surely, he didn't.

But I had begun to hate my role as Angelica.
It was late one night when the arguing begun. Me and Lin had just stumbled on from a late night party after the show. I always hated it when I was drunk. I'd let my feeling pour out without thinking. And once I started I couldn't stop. I reached down and took off my heels once I had sat on our couch. I could here Lin shuffling in the bathroom.

"Lin. Can I ask you something?" I called out.

"Of course."

He walked out of the bathroom and sat on the couch beside me. I breathed out, thinking about what to say.

"Do you enjoy...kissing Jasmine during Act II?" I asked.

He looked at me, not fully understanding.

"Do I enjoy it? Well...no. Not really. It's acting after all," he stated.

I nodded my head.

"Yeah. Acting, of course," I mumbled.

"(Y/N), is something wrong?" Lin asked.

I could tell he was concerned.

"I don't like it, babe," I breathed out.

"Like what?" he questioned.

"Playing Angelica. I don't like it anymore. I have to sit there and see you...with them. And my character unfortunately sits idly by and never expressed her feelings about Hamilton," I explained.

"It doesn't sound like Angelica is the problem. It sounds like you're jealous," Lin said.

I glared at him.

"I'm not jealous," I said, almost in a low growl.

"Yes, you are. (Y/N), you've gotta understand that when I'm up on that stage, I'm acting. I'm living out Alexander's life, not mine. You're the only girl in my life. If I caught feelings every time I kissed an actress I'd never get a long term girlfriend like you. Don't you understand that?"

He looked into my eyes. I glanced away, a tear rolling down my face. His arm wrapped around me. Lin pulled my close, putting his face in my neck.

"I'm sorry you feel that way. You should've came to me about it sooner."

He kissed my neck.

"I love you," he whispered.

I looked into his eyes. God, those beautiful eyes.

"I love you, too."

I leaned into him, kissing his lips.

We stayed there for a moment, letting the warm sparks travel throughout our lips and on to our face.

"C'mon, you jealous hothead," Lin joked, getting up from the couch, "time for bed because I am tired."

His hand grabbed my mine and pulled me up.

"I don't believe that for a second," I laughed.

"Yeah, you shouldn't."


Author's Note:

Hello there! I hope you guys enjoyed this little request. I'm very sorry for it being so short. I hate it when I have to cut these short but I unfortunately had to.
Anyways, a lot has happened over the past 2 weeks. I started failing a class, injured my back, had to stop being friends with someone, AND my Aunt is starting chemo therapy tomorrow. But you guys don't worry about my problems. This account is for all of you so remember that.

Until another story. - Morgan.

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