Backstage Shenanigans (Alex Brightman/Reader)

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Author's Note: So Markiplier45 requested for me to write more of Alex Brightman. Your wish is my command. Also, I apologize for this taking so long. I was backed up on request. I've been rushing through stuff trying to finish everything.
(Also all of the messages I received from people got deleted somehow so that's another reason why it took so long)

Hope you guys enjoy this little story inspired by me and my friends!

     I sat at a bench, taking out makeup from drawers at the backstage makeup mirror. I saw Alex's hand snake towards an eyeshadow pallet, taking a brush and swirling it in the makeup causing flakes of the pigment to cluster and fall in the floor. "Stop it," I mumbled as I sat more brushes in front of the mirror on to the countertop. "Why?" Alex asked as he continued to mess with the eyeshadow, blowing the makeup off the brush.

     "Because I asked you to. Now sit if you want me to do your makeup," I said, tapping the seat beside me with an extended foot. We had been extremely early getting to the theatre. Only a few members of the cast and crew were present. It was quiet. Not an experience you'd normally have when you're in a Broadway show. So naturally I wanted to take advantage of this and do Alex's makeup early and in peace.

     "We have like two hours and a half until the next show," Alex mumbled, sitting down the pallet and the brush, "I'm bored" he said. I ignored him and continued putting the makeup on the table, organizing it by it's purpose. Alex sighed heavily from his seat. I rolled my eyes.

     Kerry walked into the dressing room, not knocking due to the door already being open. The dressing room we were in wasn't shared. It was Alex's. However, whenever the door wasn't closed we would flock in like Kerry was doing now.

     "Wanna play a game?" Alex asked. I couldn't tell if he was speaking to me or Kerry, who was scrolling through her phone.

     "You sound like the killer from Saw," I said, turning around to face Alex, "What's the game? " I asked. 

     "I want to play," Kerry said as say her phone down. "You haven't heard what it is yet," Alex said. "So she can still play. What is it?" I questioned. He stood up and stretched out his arms.

     "Sardines " Alex said.

     "Sardines? That's the name of the game?" I asked.

     "Yes, but we need more people," Alex said. "How many?" I asked. "At least two more to make fun," Alex said shrugging. "Gotcha covered," I said as I walked out of the dressing room. I walked down the right hallways of the backstage area and approached Sophia's dressing room. The door was closed so I knocked gently.

     There was a click and the doorknob turned. Sophia opened the door and stood in front of me. "Hey, Sophia. Do you want to play a game?" I asked. "A game...?" her voice trailer off in confusion.

"Alex wants to play a game because he's bored but he says he needs more people," I explained. "Oh," she said, nodding, "Ok, then. I'll play," she said as she walked out of the dressing room, closing the door and following me back down the hallway.

     We walked down the hallway and saw Rob walking out of his dressing room. He smiled as we approached him.

      "Rob, do you want to play a game with us? I don't know really know what it is but it'll pass time," I asked.

     "Sure," he said. I gestured for him to follow me and Sophia and he did so.

     The three of us walked into Alex's dressing room. He sat on the arm of the small sofa in the room. "So what's this game about, Alex? How do we play?" I questioned. He looked up in excitement and stood up quickly.

     "It's basically backwards hide and seek. Instead of everyone hiding while one person finds them it's switched around. One person hides while the others try to find the person. If you find them you have to hide with them. The last person to find the hiding spot loses. Oh, and the lights are normally off," Alex explained rather quickly.

     "That's insane," Kerry mumbled with wide eyes. "It sounds fun though," I said.

     "Yeah, let's do it. Can I be the one that hides?" Sophia asked excitedly. "Yeah, you have a minute to hide" Alex said, looking at the time on his phone. Sophia ran out of the room to go hide.

     "Just to be clear, when we find her we hide with her? " Kerry asked. "Pretty much," Alex stated. "Never thought I'd be an adult playing something like this. But everyone needs a break every now and then. Right?" Rob said. I nodded in agreement.

     "Her minute is up. Let's go," I announced as I looked at the time. Kerry and Rob went out of the room first and me and Alex lingered behind after them. Sophia had turned off a majority of the lights that were in so that it would be harder to find her.

     I opened a door, feeling around in the darkness until my eyes adjusted. Alex was behind me. "She's not in here," I said as I walked out of the room. We continued to look in different rooms. After a while I noticed the muffled sound of Kerry and Rob talking to each other was gone. It was quiet. I walked down the hallway and heard Alex's feet shuffle behind me.

     "They're gone. Kerry and Rob," I said. "That means they've probably found her," Alex said. I felt around and found another door and opened it.

     "How is someone supposed to find a person when it's dark anyways?" I asked as I waited for my eyes to adjust to the pitch black room. "The dark makes you use your other senses. Makes it fun," Alex said.

    "But it also makes it hard for me to see you. We're working together to find Sophia. It'd be nice to know where you're at," I mumbled as I felt around the room with my hand. I noticed it got very quiet. The sound of Alex's footsteps had disappeared. I small rush of fear ran up my spine. I hated being in the dark by myself.

     "Alex, are you still in here?" I called out. I felt hands pull me towards them, causing me to jump but I then realized it was Alex. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Letting you know I'm still here," he said. I felt Alex's lips touch mine, pulling me into a soft kiss. I pulled away and smirked, which he probably didn't see due to the darkness.

     "You really know how to charm people, don't you?" I asked, giggling to myself. "I guess so," he said. I heard the light switch flick and grimaced at the bright light.

     "Why did you turn on the lights?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. "To see if they're in here, of course." Alex said, laughing. "One, I'm pretty sure that's cheating. Two, they're not in here. Three, this whole game better not have been a ploy to kiss me." I said.

     "Yeah, it's cheating. And that wasn't planned by the way," Alex said, turning the lights back off. "Sure," I said sarcastically.

     "Let's go search down the hall before they start getting suspicious," Alex said, taking my hand in the dark and pulling me into the hallway to continue our quick game so we could be finished with our backstage shenanigans.

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