Fear (Pennywise/Reader)

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Author's Note: Just watched the new 'It' and I'm in love.

Here's a guide to this chapter:
(Y/N)-Your Name
(F/N)-Friend's Name (specifically a girl)
(C/N)-Cousin's Name (young boy)
(H/C)-Hair Color
(Y/F/CY)-Your Favorite Candy

Fandom: IT

  It was Halloween. On a Tuesday. I didn't know what was up with the year 2017, but in my head it wasn't going well. The best holiday was on a school day. I loved Halloween, but the entire day has been terrible.

  It started with the seniors.

  Honestly, I was friends with a lot of seniors but why did some of them have to insist on hating me? It was lunch time and I stood in line, gathering my food and placing it in my tray. When I exited the line I began to head to the table I normally sat at. I say my friend, (F/N), already sitting at the table with our small group of friend. Then everything seemed to flash before my eyes. Amanda Jackson, a red headed senior with a hundred dollar manicure, stuck her foot out in front of me as soon as I was less than an inch away from her.

She didn't just trip me. Her foot kicked my leg out from under me. I fell in the floor, nose hitting the hard surface, most likely breaking in the process. My tray landed underneath me, pizza instantly soaking into my blazer. My (H/C) fell in my face. I slowly tried to stand up but was quickly pushed back to the ground by one of Amanda's buddies.

"What did I tell you, (L/N)! Get out of my school before I make you! Go back home to the freak show!" Amanda yelled.

Then I snapped.

I pushed myself off of the ground, but in a matter of seconds Amanda was underneath me on the floor of the cafeteria. Like I said before, everything happened in a flash almost as if it didn't. I couldn't remember doing anything but tackling Amanda to the ground.

The next thing I knew I was sitting in the office, our principal looking at me, disappointment spread across his face. Amanda sat next to me, face turned to where she didn't have to look at me. I had seen her face when we walked into the office beforehand. Her lip was busted, nose was broken like mine. Karma had beat Amanda, not me. We sat in the office for almost an hour.

Silence filled the room.

Mr. Hugh, our principal, also stayed silent the entire time. He was mainly upset with me. He expected this behavior from Amanda. Once he realized that I retaliated against Amanda he was out in a state of shock.

We got suspended for five days.

My mom picked me up. She also stayed silent during the car ride. I constantly shifted in my seat. We pulled in the driveway of our house. I glanced at her.

"Mom, please say something," I said.

She sighed, a few strands of grey hair fell on her face which she pushed behind her ear.

"I'm.....disappointed. But at the same time...I'm very proud of you. You done something that I could never do at your age. Standing up to someone. I just wish you wouldn't have gotten that violent," she actually chuckled once she said that last part.

I smiled.

"So you're not mad at me?" I asked.

"I could never be mad at you for standing up for yourself,"she said.

"But here's your form of punishment. You're taking your cousin, (C/N) trick-or-treating tonight," she said as she got out of the car. I grabbed my backpack and got out of the car.

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