Sick (Poly!Bowers Gang/Reader)

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 Author's Note: This one shot is really, really old. I wrote it about 5 years ago. I might rewrite it in the future. It's definitely got some issues and errors that I need to fix.

I hope you guys enjoy this! 

Fair warning: Literally everyone has the flu in this. Gross. I know. I wrote this for a friend back during my freshman year.

Fandom: IT


I believe it was Patrick that first caught the flu. He started showing early symptoms while the five of us were at Victor's house. A cough here and there. The gang brushed it off until over the week everyone fell into a cold-like state. I knew it was the flu when Patrick rushed into Victor's bathroom and began to throw up.

The gang decided to stay at Vic's until everyone got over the illness due to his parents being the most easy-going.

Patrick laid in the bed, snuggled into Henry's side. I sat on the carpeted floor, back pressed against the bed. I thought to myself about the panic attack Eddie Kaspbrak would have if he walked into the room. The room was filled with germs.

However, being in the same room didn't make the flu any worse. Victor's parents would occasionally come in to give us things like water, soup, and other things that make being ill seem not as bad as it truly is.

Belch laid on the floor beside me. He had brought a small garbage can into the room in case someone couldn't reach the bathroom. It seemed silly at first due to the bathroom being a couple of feet away, but we soon realized that Belch had a good idea for once. He reached for the bin and I knew what was coming.

He put his head over the bin, letting the contents of his stomach empty. Victor's mother soon came in, taking the bin to clean it out.

I pulled Belch over to me, laying his head on my lap. I glanced up on the bed. Henry was looking at the ceiling, lost in thought. I turned back to look at Victor who was reading a book for once. I sighed as a wave of heat rushed over my face.

"This sucks," I mumbled.

I reached on to the bed and grabbed an extra blanket, wrapping it around my shoulders as the wave of heat turned into chills that rushed up and down my spine. "Henry....," I heard Patrick mumble as he stirred in his sleep. I glanced over at Patrick's lanky body. He was finally awake.

Henry kissed Patrick on his head, most likely spreading more germs. I smiled at both of them and turned to Vic.

"Vicky, what're you reading?" I asked.

He looked up at me, then back down at the book. "Frankenstein," Victor said.

"(Y/N), did you just ask Vic if he was reading?" Patrick asked. I glanced at him, realizing his eyes were still shut but he was awake.

"Yeah. Vicky is actually reading for once. I'm proud " I said. Belch raised from my lap and crawled across the floor to Victor. He pulled Victor into his lap, wrapping his arms around him and kissing the back of his neck. " I'm lonely," I said, pouting my lips at Belch. He chuckled and went back to distracting Victor from his book.

"Come up here, babe," Henry said. He scooted away from Patrick, who started to complain, then patted the area in between them. I pulled myself off the floor and crawled into the bed. I laid my head on Henry's chest. Patrick pushed away from the covers that were on him and wrapped his arms around me.

"Are you wearing my shirt?" Patrick asked as he examined the off-brand Tom and Jerry shirt. "Yeah. Want it back? I don't feel like taking off my shirt right now." I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Keep it. Looks great on you," he said as he nuzzled his head into my shoulder and neck.

"Good. Perfect apology for giving me the flu."


(Old) Author's Note:

I know it's short. I know. I like the idea of the Bowers Gang being in a Poly relationship. I needed to update but I've been very side tracked lately, so please forgive me. I love all of you guys and please give me FEEDBACK! I love constructive criticism because it helps me do better. It also helps make your experience more enjoyable.

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