You Need To Calm Down (Alex Brightman/Reader)

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Request from cringeworthyalways I hope you like it!

Fandom: Broadway

For the past month I have been an active member of the ensemble in Beetlejuice the soundtrack on Broadway. I had received a full role as one of the many copies of Beetlejuice but also one of the ghosts from the Netherworld. For the most part, it's been one of the best experiences of my life but if I was to say that everything was perfect, I'd be lying.
My problem. My dilemma while working on this musical is the one and only Alex Brightman.

At the beginning everything was fine. He was nice and kind. He'd greet me when I'd walk into the theatre everyday. But for the past few weeks he took a complete U-Turn. A huge shift in behavior.

To say the least, we definitely have not been getting along. Whether it was him nitpicking what I was doing, being rude, or just flat out ignoring me it's a never ending cycle. 


I walked into the theatre and huffed as I made my way through the backstage area. I made my way to the dressing room shared by the ensemble. As I sat my stuff down beside my assigned makeup mirror, I looked into my reflection. There were dark circles under my eyes. I didn't sleep well the previous night. Or the one before that. Honestly, I hadn't been sleeping well ever since our first show.

A part of me was screaming, "This is bad! You need your rest!" but the other part of me encouraged me to keep going. 

I took out my box of makeup and started to apply my makeup for the first act. As I applied the makeup, members of the ensemble walked in and out, applying their makeup and getting into costume all while I stared blankly into the mirror. I put my brush down once I was done and tapped my fingers on the desk.

"Why doesn't he like me?"  I thought to myself.

Maybe that's why I haven't been sleeping. I've been thinking about Alex all week. It's kind of hard not to when I have to be on stage with him multiple times, almost every day and night of almost every day of the week. 

I got up and walked to the costume rack, grabbing my costume. I went into the changing room and got dressed. Before I went out I heard a familiar voice in the dressing room.

It was Alex.

"Shit," I mumbled as I walked out.

Alex stood there talking to some of the guys that were in the dressing room. I walked past them to my table and sat down. I really had to wonder why me and him didn't get along.

"We were literally friends. What happened? Did I do something to him?" 

My mind raced, trying to come up with a valid reason of our falling out but Alex being in the room just distracted me more.

I looked at the time on my phone. We still had an hour until our show. I got up and walked out of the dressing room. There were countless stage hands backstage, getting things ready for the show. I walked past a few props and made my way towards Sophia's dressing room. I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" she called out from inside.

"It's (Y/N). I need to talk  to you," I said.

She opened the door and gestured for me to come in. She was already in her Lydia dress but she spotted her regular blonde hair instead of her wig.

"What's up, (Y/N)?" Sophia asked.

She sat down on the loveseat in the room and patted the seat beside her. I walked over and took a seat.

"Has someone you know ever made you feel like shit? Like, you don't know if you don't anything to them but they constantly are mean it abrasive?" I asked.

"Well, I think...everyone has had someone do that to them," she stated, "but you obviously aren't speaking hypothetically here. Who is it?" Sophia asked.

I turned my head to look at her.

"It's Alex," I mumbled.

Sophia's eyes widened a little.

"Really? Alex?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. And it's been on my mind for days, Soph. I don't know what I done to him. I don't know if I said anything or if I -"

Sophia shushed me quietly.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"Why not? You obviously want to say something but you don't want to speak up. Please, let me do this for you." Sophia said, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I nodded my head, giving her my approval.

"Wait here," she said as she walked out of the dressing room.

I sat on the couch, tapping my foot. I was anxious. Sophia was a sweet friend but I wasn't sure if Alex was really as sweet. Minutes passed by and it seemed like forever until there was a faint knock on the door.

"What did he say?" I asked without looking up.

"He said that he was sorry," a male voice stated.

My head shot up and Alex was there, leaning against the door frame.

I stood up and he walked over to me.

"Alex, I'm s-" I was cut off by being pulled into a kiss by Alex.

My eyes went from being wide open in shock to melting shut. He pulled away and looked at me, grabbing my hands in the process.

"There's nothing for you to apologize about, (Y/N). Nothing. This was my fault. I should have realized that the way I was treating you, talking to you was out of line."

He took a deep breath.

"(Y/N), I have to be honest with you. I really, really like you. I guess I just thought you wouldn't have been interested so I tried to shut you out the best way I knew how. Please, (Y/N), forgive me."

Alex looked into my eyes and both of us were nearly in tears.

I put my hands on Alex's face.

"I forgive you, Alex. If you liked me you could've just told me."

I gave him a small kiss and smiled.

"I'm glad you accept my apology. Let's start over."

I nodded and the two of us hugged.

We were interrupted by Sophia calling in the hallway, "Let's go, lovebirds! Move it to Alex's room!"


Author's Note: Hey, guys! I hope you liked this it was a request from cringeworthyalways and I really enjoyed writing it, despite me struggling for a bit on figuring out where to go with it. If you liked it, let me know. If you have a request by all means send it in either in the comments or on my conversation board.

I also want to apologize if there are small delays between chapters, I'm just trying to get through this first semester of school because I'm probably going back to public school, I'm not sure yet.

I love you guys. Until the next story, Morgan.

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