Butterflies (Sophia Anne Caruso/Reader)

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Author's Note: This was a request from HiMeAmPerson


I stood outside of Sophia's apartment door, tapping my foot in the ground as I waited. It was the second week of June and on this day in particular the Tonys were taking place.

I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time. 6:34. I knocked on the door. "One second, please." I heard her call out. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "If we don't leave now we're going to be late." I said. My voice echoed throughout the empty hallway of the apartment complex.

"Alright. Come in." Sophia said. I heard the doorknob click as she unlocked the door, pulling it back. She stood in front of me. Sophia wore a cream colored dress. Jewels covered it in beautiful swirling designs. I stood back and stated at her in awe. "Not going to say hello?" she asked, pushing back her blonde hair behind her ear.

"H-hi, Soph. You look...beautiful." I said. She blushed and gestures for me to come inside. "Thank you." she said, closing the door as I walked in. "Are you ready for tonight?" I asked, walking around the living room. "I guess so. Never thought I'd be going to the Tonys." she said. I watched her as she disappeared into the hallway, heading towards her room. "I never thought I would be going either. I mean, I grew up thinking that my dream of being on Broadway were impossible but here I am. Here we are." I called out so she could here me.

She walked out of her bedroom with a pair of heels dangling from her hands. She plopped down on the sofa and lifted up her dress to slip on the heels. I sat beside her, watching her do such a simple task but I couldn't help but notice the struggle she was having. Sophia's hand shook as she put on her shoes and pulled her dress back down. I leaned forward and took her hand. "Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded. "I'm just nervous. This is my first time ever going to an event like this and Beetlejuice is nominated for awards. It's just...it's just-" she trailed on, trying to think of the right words. "It's just...a big deal." I said.

"Yeah." she mumbled. "Well, nervousness is understandable. Just know that I'll be by your side all night." I said, kissing her hand. She smiled and stood up, twirling her dress. "It doesn't look bad on me or anything?" she questioned. I shook my head. "Like I said, you're beautiful." I stood up and extended my arms. She grabbed my hands and I pulled her into a hug.

"Do you really think so?" she asked, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Mmm hmmm," I hummed, beginning to sway side to side, leading Sophia with me. "Even when I'm a nervous wreck?" she questioned. "You're beautiful no matter what. Even when you have a bad case of the butterflies," I said, circling around with her, "And I love you no matter what."

We stayed in each other's arms for a while, swaying side to side, slow dancing in the living room. There was no music, just the two of us dancing to the sound of the busy streets of New York. "I really love it here, (Y/N)." she said. Her head was on my shoulder and her arms were wrapped around me, still in a hugging position. "I do too. It's better than where I'm from. It's one of the few places in America where you can truly make your dreams come true." I said. "Have your dreams came true?" Sophia asked. "Well, I'm in one of the most popular musicals of the year and I'm saying the most wonderful person in the world who I love more than life itself," I said, whispering the last part in Sophia's ear. My voice trailed off for a second as I realized that my dreams had indeed came true, "So yes, I'd say that they have came true so far."

Sophia pulled back from the hug to look at me. She kissed my lips gently then pulled away. I took her hand and spun her around. She smiled as I twirled her around, admiring her in the process. "I guess it's time to leave." she said. I nodded. "Yeah, before we're late. And before Alex rings out necks." We headed out the door and made our way to the downstairs of the apartment complex. As we walked out onto the sidewalk I took on the busy city of New York, watching the lights glisten off of the signs and onto Sophia's dress. We got in a cab and made our way to the Rockefeller Music Hall. We were prepared to show the world that both of us had made our dreams come true.


Author's Note: Let me apologize for the short chapter! I know it's short and I'm sorry but I hope it's okay. I've been making some big changes on my Wattpad and it caused me to rush this one. If you guys enjoyed it please let me know. Until the next chapter. ❤

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