Fear Pt. 2 (Pennywise/Reader)

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Author's Note: Bet you guys thought I forgot about continuing this little mini-series? Well, I didn't. And due to It: Chapter Two coming out recently I decided to continue it. If you haven't read 'Fear: Part 1' go and read it and come back. Yes, it's in this book.

Fandom: It

It had been nearly a week since I seen the clown in the sewer. Even after days of pondering on the encounter, wondering who or what he was, I still couldn't wrap my head around it. And my punishment was over. I was officially back from my suspension. And so was Amanda.

I walked through the crowded hallway of my school, keeping my head down. I wasn't sure if I was trying to prevent people from noticing me or if I was just embarrassed. Probably both. Most people hadn't noticed me before I tackled Amanda last week but now I could feel the eyes on me. People stared as they passed by me, whispering stuff about me. Stuff that wasn't true. Stuff that Amanda had spread while she was suspended.

I sighed as I made my way to the lunch room. By the time I reached the middle of the school, I heard Amanda call after me.

"Oh look, she's back! Attention everyone! Our precious little freak is back! Give a round of applause for (Y/N)!" Amanda yelled out in the hallway.

People started applauding as I walked towards the lunch room.

"Hey, freak! Come here. We need to talk," I heard Amanda say right before I reached the lunch room doors.

I turned around. Everyone was crowded around Amanda, including her posse of "friends".

Spectators waited for the lion to pounce.

"You're in a lot of trouble, (Y/N). You should have never laid your hands on me," she said as walking closer to me.

By now, Amanda was in my face. Her breath hot on my face. My eyes scanned over her face. I noticed the dark bruising on and around her nose from where I broke it. My nose was bruised from where she broke my nose also. However, I had covered it up with a piece of gauze before school.

"Do you honestly want to make this mistake again?" I whispered.

My hands slowly curled into fists as I let my backpack slip off my shoulders, ready to defend myself if I needed to.

"(Y/N)! No!" I heard a friend of mine object.

"I'll kill you," Amanda whispered back.

"Please. You're a psychotic bitch but you're not that psychotic," I said, rolling my eyes.

Amanda raised her hand right when Mr. Hugh made his way through the crowd of students.

"What is going on here?" I could here him say. I turned my head and saw him approach us.

"You two again?" he asked in disbelief.

"That's it. Go to my office! You're both suspended," he stated sternly.

"What!?" Amanda yelled.

"What? Mr. Hugh! I didn't do anything! Amanda started it," I yelled.

Bystanders began to dispute around us, each one taking up for whoever the likes more

"She's right! Amanda tried to fight her. (Y/N) didn't do anything."

"No, I think it's the other way around."

"(Y/N) deserves it anyways."

"Enough! We will see about that once they're in my office," he said, silencing the students.

Fandom One-Shots and Headcanons (UNDER SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now