Chapter Thirty-Nine: Forgoten Past

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"So you're Nathalie's-"

"Sister. I'm her older sister." Morgan cut off Gabriel's sentence.

"But how?? You're only a sentimonster!"

"Once again, created with human sorrow and memories."

"But you're so.. young." Adrien said.

"And how come I never was told about you? I've known Nathalie since she was fifteen!"

Ladybug thought for a moment. "You died, didn't you?"

"Precisely." She gazed at Nathalie that was still lying on the floor for her permission again. Once more, she nodded. "I died in a car accident when Nathalie was only twelve. She didn't like talking about me when I passed away. No one knew but our close family members."

"How old were you?"

"Eighteen. My steering and brakes went out and I was hit head on at fifty miles per hour. I was dead on impact."


"Nathalie was so upset that she promised herself that she wouldn't utter a word about me after my death. Of course that was after locking herself in her room for two weeks, barely eating or sleeping. Nothing new about her." Morgan stated.

Gabriel looked back at Nathalie who was now about to fall asleep. He shakes her on the arm to keep her from shutting her eyes. "G-Gabe. I'm c-cold."

Ladybug then remembered her lucky charm. "My lucky charm is a blanket! Use it." She handed it to him and he used it to wrap her." He carried her in his arms as he stood up.

"It's better if she's in our room." Ladybug nodded, following the Agrestes and Morgan. Once Gabriel had laid Nathalie down on the bed, he handed her the blanket back.

"Miraculous ladybug!" she shouted as she threw it into the air. "Spots off." As everyone expected, it was the one and only Marinette. The magical ladybugs did fix the damage caused by Chat Ombre earlier, but it didn't heal Nathalie's wounds. "I'm sorry, Nathalie. Your wounds are my fault!"

Nathalie was too weak to speak any further. She looks at Gabriel, with eyes telling him what to do. He nodded and faced Marinette.

"Marinette, it isn't. Your power has a limit. All of us have. You tried your best. That's what matters."

"But I could've helped more."

"You've done too much for us already. It's alright."

"But will she be okay? Both of them?"

"They'll be alright, don't worry. She's been through this and it will all pass soon."

Marinette felt bad but still listened to him. That's all she can do after all. Her magical ladybugs didn't work so she just gave Gabriel a glass of water to give to Nathalie. Gabriel gladly took it and gave it to Nathalie. She told him that she could do it by herself, but Gabriel insisted that he'd do it. He placed the glass on the nightstand afterwards.

"Rest now, love. And don't even make excuses not to."

"Can.. Marinette.. Stay..?"

"Sure thing." Gabriel uttered.

"I'll gladly stay here, Nathalie." Marinette added.

"We'll be heading out now." Adrien uttered, pointing to Morgan. She nodded and walked out of the room with him. As they walked through the hallways, Morgan had her jaw open for how big and stunning the mansion is. She has never seen such a place. She was stunned at how huge the place was, she didn't even know who Gabriel was.

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