*Scheduling Flights*

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Samantha💕: Hey girly! Just wanted to check in with you and see how you were feeling.
        Kailey🥂: Hey! Aww thank you so much. I am feeling pretty good at the moment.
Samantha💕: You are so welcome. That is so good to hear!I am still in shock about you and Ross having a baby.😱
Kailey🥂: I know right? Knock on wood that everything stays normal. I can't believe that after so long we finally got pregnant. I was starting to get worried you know?
Samantha💕: Girl I  know that everything will be fine. No need to worry. I remember you telling me that you were nervous. Thank goodness you have Karissa there.
Kailey🥂: Awww thank you! I'll try to remember that haha. Yes I really was especially since I knew that both Ross and I wanted to have children one day. Yes, Karissa is one of the best.
Samantha💕: I mean Ross comes from a pretty big family. Did you and Ross always know that you wanted to know the gender of the baby at 20 weeks?
Kailey🥂: That he does my friend 😂. Yes! We both knew that it would kill us if we didn't find out the gender. I knew I couldn't wait until the birth.Karissa and Rydel got together to plan a reveal party for us.
Samantha💕: Yeah I think that would drive me insane not knowing. I saw those pictures, they turned out adorable! I am so sad that I couldn't make it, but I had some work here in Virginia that I couldn't miss.
Kailey🥂: Thank you! I think that they turned out super cute too. I know but I knew you were busy, so I didn't want to pressure you.
Samantha💕: Yes! Thank you for always understanding. You already know that I am talking to my boss about taking off for a few weeks so I can be out in California with you closer to when baby girl decides that she is ready.
Kailey🥂: So far the only ones I want in the delivery room with me is Ross, my mom, his mom Stormie, you, and Karissa. Thank goodness you girls are an L/D nurse and she is a OBGYN.
Samantha💕: Awww! You know I will definitely be out there for you. I can't wait to help deliver that sweet baby girl. 🥰🥺
Samantha💕: Just keep me updated on when you feel like you want me to fly out there. I'm going to go ahead and tell my bosses!
Kailey🥂: I can't wait for you to help deliver her either. I sure will. I'll probably have you I out here at the end of my 8th month.
Samantha💕: Sounds good to me! Well I gotta get going. I'll talk to you later girly!
Kailey🥂: Bye!!

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