*Would You Like To Visit The Original Starbucks With Me?*

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Continued POV of Samantha

Spencer and I were told by Hotch to stay back at the police station and be the teams "eyes and ears." Which means that we will be looking at the map, talking to Garcia, and listening to the Police/Police scanner for any updates. While Spencer looked at the map I grabbed one of the tablets that Garcia had set up. She put a location tracker on the tablet also which will let us always locate the team. I noticed while we were sitting in the conference room of the police station that outside in the office area was a little chaotic. I didn't think anything of it because I feel like it's always a bit crazy it doesn't matter where we are to be honest.

5 minutes later a police officer came rushing into where we were and said "Agents a child has been abducted." Spencer immediately went to dialing Hotch's number. Once he answered and we put him on speakerphone I clicked the button to conference call which let us add Hotch, Garcia, and Morgan. Spencer just looked at his phone and at me amazed. He had no idea that his phone could do that. I swear he is so innocent and oh so cute. Garcia giggled at something Morgan said which snapped me out of my thoughts and back to the situation at hand. Garcia was able to track who had abducted the child who just so happened to be the unsub we were looking for. She quickly found out the location coordinates for the unsub. Morgan was closer to unsub, so Hotch sent them there. Hotch said they would catch up with them there and be backup. Hotch told Spencer and I to keep them updated and that when they caught the unsub he would call us back.

—————Time Jump—————->
After 20 minutes Spencer's phone started ringing. "This is Reid." He answered. "Oh hey Hotch. Okay, I'll tell her. Bye." He said before hanging up his phone. Spencer then looked at me and said that the team had caught the unsub. He also said that Hotch wants to meet with the whole team when they get back to the station. I wonder what it could be about I thought.

Once the team made it back to the station they came into the conference room where we had been set up. Hotch stopped outside of the office to talk with the detective and police chief about catching the unsub. The rest of the team took seats around the table next to Spencer and I. When Hotch came into the room he said that he wanted to speak with us all. He started the conversation by saying "great job team. I know that this was a tough case especially for those who have children. It's already in the late afternoon, so with that being said I think we should stay here for the rest of the day to relax and ease our mind. We will head back to Quantico in the morning." We each went around the table saying "thanks" to Hotch. He then said that we were all done here so we can start packing up everything and head back to the hotel. Both Spencer and I had already packed up our things, so we went ahead and started picking up the trash and empty coffee cups that were scattered on the table. We told the team we would go and take the bags to the break room in the station where the bigger garbage can was. While we were walking I could tell that Spencer was nervous about something, but I don't want to push him to talk about anything of he isn't ready to. Once we placed the bags in the break room we started heading back to the conference room where everyone else was.

It was quiet for a few minutes before Spencer looked at me and began talking. "Hey Samantha, have you ever been to Seattle a part from being here today?" I looked over at him before answering. "I have not. It looks like it would be so fun to go and explore." I answered. Spencer then said "Well I was thinking...would you like to go and visit the original Starbucks with me?"

A/N: Hey!! Sorry that I am dragging this case out but I really wanted to add something cute between Dr. Spencer Reid and Samantha. Thank you for all of the reads, comments, and votes.

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