Chap. 7

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Hmm... I'm hungry. :P Enjoy!

Throughout first period, Sarah stayed kind of quiet and only spoke to me about what we had to—what we needed to discuss for English. I didn't really mind, it gave me a minute to myself to think about how stupid I was to leave my phone in my back pocket.

My mom always scolded me about it too.

As Mr. Strause was lecturing I sulked back in my seat. I eyed the rest of my classmates and I couldn't help but think that these people just make it seem like everything is peachy keen in the world. Unfortunately, it wasn't. I know that's not the case—I get that they all have their own stories, but sometimes I wish there was a way that someone can understand others without them having to explain themselves. They'd just already know.

Biology was the same. Lolo stayed somewhat quiet and only spoke to me when necessary. The only conversation that started up between us was about the lab that we were trying to do.

To be honest, I was glad that they kept quiet, because I didn't want to talk about it myself.

The four periods flew by so fast that before I knew it the bell rang signaling us for lunch; which meant that it was time for me to explain myself. Remember that saying? Time flies when you're having fun? It flies faster when you're nervous. We managed to ignore the elephant in the room, but we couldn't ignore it forever.

I really don't feel like explaining.

Especially since I just met them.

I mean, Sarah and Lolo are nice people—but not yet.

I entered the cafeteria and saw them sitting at the table we were at yesterday. Lolo had gotten there before I did. The only thing is Fabien already claimed a seat over there before I did. As I walked closer, they looked to be in a deep conversation.

Three guess who they're talking about.

I got to the table and Sarah was the first to notice me. The three of them stopped talking once I got there and I shifted on my feet.

"Hi." Was all I could muster up.

They stayed silent until Sarah slid off the table and squeezed me. I was a little hesitant to squeeze her back so I just patted her back.

"We understand." She whispered in my ear.

I nodded, "Thank you."

We sat down. Plopping my elbow on the table and resting my head on my hand, I asked Fabien, "So, you told them without asking me?"

He looked at his hands, "I'm sorry. But I mean..." He looked back up, "At least you don't have to hide that part of you from them."

I smirked, "Fine. You're off the hook."

"Yeah." He smiled, then turned his attention back to Sarah and Lolo, "So, yeah, she plays four instruments."

"Damn." Lolo complimented.

I think I turned a little pink when they found that impressive.

"So, why didn't you play something yesterday in music?" Sarah furrowed her eyes.

Lolo scoffed, "Yeah, you could've shut those three up quick."

"I didn't and still don't have anything to prove to them. They aren't worth my time. There was no point." I picked up a French fry from Fabien's lunch.

The thirty minutes of lunch came and went. The loud ring of the bell bellowed through the corners of the school, telling everyone in the cafeteria that lunch is over; and unfortunately for everyone else, it was time to get to our next class.

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