1. Waking Up

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Graystripe woke up to the smell of milk; he was touching some soft fur. Hmmmmm, StarClan has nurseries, but I don't know why I would be there. Hmmmm.

Then, right beside him, something soft moved, and he heard a startled meow. Purring, Graystripe opened his eyes.

"You've both opened your eyes," a gray she-cat purred at the two.

The gray tom looked to see what was moving beside him. His yellow eyes met blue eyes. Blue-gray fur covered the she-cat.

"Blues-" Graystripe began.

Her tail quickly covered his mouth. "Graykit," Graystripe looked at her weirdly, "If you call me by my former name, you'll get us all in trouble."

"Why?" Graystripe was still uncomfortable with calling his former leader a kit.

"None of these cats were here when we were alive. In fact, I've never seen them before, even in StarClan. That means that something is wrong." Bluekit murmured.

"Okay, Bluekit," Graykit tried it out.

"Better," Bluekit approved.

Just then, the other gray body that was with them moved. Another set of yellow eyes rested on the older gray she-cat.

"You've opened your eyes as well," the she-cat purred.

"Rockpelt, what's going on?" a black she-cat yawned.

"My kits have opened their eyes, Shimmerfire," Rockpelt purred.

"Really?" Shimmerfire moved to see the sets of eyes. "Aw, how cute!"

"I know!" Rockpelt agreed.

"Not cute," Graykit complained.

"Yellowkit! Get over here!" Bluekit whispered.

Yellowkit padded up to her new siblings.

"What's going on?" the former medicine cat murmured.

"Remember when we were dropped off of the Warming Rocks?" Bluekit asked.

"Of course,"

"Well, I believe that we were dropped out of StarClan and reborn in some clan." Bluekit explained.

"Hey," Graykit scooted to his sisters. "This looks like the ThunderClan nursery!"

Yellowkit and Bluekit shared an UH-OH look.

"Can we go out?" Yellowkit asked nervously.

"Of course," Rockpelt purred.

"Yay! Thank you!" the three kits charged out of the gap.

The nightmare had come true. They were in the ThunderClan camp.

"Bluekit! Yellowkit! Graykit! Behind the nursery!" a voice came from behind the nursery.

The three kits padded behind the nursery. "Sandstorm? Dustpelt? Whitestorm?" Graykit questioned in disbelief.

"Sandkit, Dustkit, Whitekit," Whitekit corrected.

"Okay, well then," Graykit nodded. "Do you have any information on how we got here?"

"We were reborn into ThunderClan. By the lake, but I've never seen these cats before," Sandkit studied a group of warriors.

"You have to admit, that one over there looks like Dovewing," Dustkit flicked his tail in the direction of a gray she-cat.

"They may be related somehow," Bluekit shrugged.

"Is anyone else here?" Graykit asked.

"Yes," Yellowkit meowed. "Let's wait until they come out."

"Agreed," Sandkit purred.

The kits passed the time by play-fighting.

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