2. In The Future

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I've been writing this for some time so loads of chapters are about to come out! Enjoy!

Ravenpaw woke up next to Hollyleaf. She was sleeping.

Where am I? Ravenpaw asked himself.

"Ooo! Rockpelt! One of mine just opened his eyes!" this was Shimmerfire.

"Really?" Rockpelt craned her next. "Such pretty blue eyes,"

"They're not pretty!" Ravenpaw complained, wondering why he was in a nursery and why they were fussing over him like a kit. Then, it hit him. The fall from the Warming Rocks. The feeling of being compress, very uncomfortable, by the way. Them fussing over him like a kit. Hollyleaf's small size. He had transformed into a kit. But where? "Where am I?" the black tom tries to act as ignorant as possible.

"The ThunderClan nursery," Shimmerfire liked him.

"I don't need to be cleaned!" Ravenpaw, or maybe Ravenkit? He decided to call himself that.

"I decide that," Shimmerfire continued to lick him.

Then, Hollykit opened her eyes. "Wha-" Ravenkit's tail covered her mouth.

This time a tortishell she-cat purred. "Shimmerfire, Hollykit's opened her eyes."

Hollykit? Hollykit thought.

"Yes, Tawnybright!" Shimmerfire moved on to cleaning Hollykit. Ravenkit was snickering at her reaction.

"Shut it," the she-cat hissed.

"Why won't mine open their eyes?" a ginger she-cat complained.

"It's just how it works," a different tortishell cat smirked. "Blazefur, you've got to learn to be patient."

"Splashflight!" Blazefur hissed. "Remember all those moons ago when your two were born? Marshkit and Redkit opened their eyes immediately!"

That was when Oakkit opened his eyes.

"Blazefur, one of yours," Splashflight purred.

"Oakkit!" Blazefur started licking her son's head furiously.

"Can we go out?" Ravenkit asked.

"When I'm finished grooming your sister." Shimmerfire promised.

"Hurry up!" the tom complained.

"There, perfect," Shimmerfire purred. "Off you go! But stick together!"

Ravenkit and Hollykit charged outside.

Sandkit heard some scuffling coming from the nursery entrance. Having been the best hunter in ThunderClan, she picked up the scents of Hollykit and Ravenkit. She then mumbled loud enough for them to hear, "Ravenkit! Hollykit! Behind the nursery!"

This, of course, startled the other kits.

"They're here?" Graykit asked.

"Duh! At least, their scents are!" Sandkit narrowed her eyes at him.

Hollykit and Ravenkit stampeded to the back of the nursery. "You guys too?" Hollykit gaped.

"Yes," Yellowkit gave a curt nod.

"Oakheart's here too," Bluekit's head perked up at Ravenkit's sentence. "There were others in that nest, but I couldn't figure out who they were,"

"Now, the question is, why are we here?" Dustkit asked.

"StarClan must have sent us for something," Bluekit said solemnly.

"Um, we were part of StarClan," Graykit was confused.

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