20. Dark Forest Rising

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ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY VIEWS! WOOHOO! Don't stop reading! We can make it to 300!

"What?" Jayfeather asked, outraged. "And you didn't tell me?"

"It's against the medicine cat code to mate with a cat. You, Jayfeather, should know that better than most cats." Brackenfall instructed.

The apprentices couldn't help but pity Jayfeather. This has been the second time he was lied to about his parents.

"But you didn't tell me," the gray warrior looked at his paws.

"And why didn't he get a cursey-thingy?" Graypaw asked.

Brackenfall looked at the apprentice. "Oh, I'll tell you, he did, and it's all my fault."

You're basically apologizing because I was born. Yup, I have the best father ever. Jayfeather thought sarcastically.

"Now," the medicine cat said. "I have cats to attend to, I suggest you get some sleep."


Marshfoot was dreaming. It was as simple as that. Lying next to his sister, Redstripe, he fell into the depths of a very strange place; well, at least he wasn't the only one.

"Do you want to become a better warrior?" came an ominous question.

The black and brown tom knew the answer. "Yes, I want to be able to protect my clan in the best way possible."

"Come with me, I will train you in the best way possible,"

"Who are you?" the living tom asked.

"Snowtuft. I'm filling in for Tigerstar, Brokenstar, Thistleclaw, Mapleshade, Breezepelt, and Hawkfrost while they're away," Snowtuft did not mention Littlekit.

"Where are they?" Marshfoot asked.

"Closer than you would think," Snowtuft stepped out into the open, his body was somewhat see-through.

"Are you from StarClan?"

"You can say that," the white tom smirked evilly.

"Okay!" Marshfoot clearly was excited about meeting a cat from 'StarClan'.

"I will first show you a move called the Killing Bite..."


Mudpelt admitted it. She basically told everyone. She was expecting MY kits; I love her more than anyone...Yeah...Call me crazy... Antstar was in deep concentration.

The black tom had taken a liking to the brownish ginger she-cat when they were just apprentices. Of course, he was a few moons older, therefore becoming a warrior earlier. He had to wait for her. He was the tom who waited; a major prophecy given by the clan's medicine cat, Harestripe. Mudpelt had announced that she was expecting kits a moon and a half ago. Now, it was time. Like, a half moon too early; he was freaking out, frankly.

Harestripe rushed throughout the clearing with raspberry leaves. He had to ask the RiverClan medicine cat, Starlingcloud, for them since they didn't really grow well on the moor. On the way out of camp, he was attacked by a small kit of black color.

Mudpelt groaned again; Antstar couldn't help it, he started pacing the clearing.

"Pacing is only going to tire you out," rasped a voice. It was Seedfoot, the clan's oldest elder.

"Well, I don't know what else to do," the black tom wailed. "My mates in pain, and I don't know what to do about it. I'm the worst cat in Clan history. No, the worst cat in Cat history."

"Many toms have suffered in the same way that you are right now," the brown elder reminded. "It's our duty to worry about a specific she-cat for our entire lives, but you have to fight it. Would Mudpelt want you prancing around the clearing right now, annoying an elder named Seedfoot and probably some others?" Seedfoot asked.

"Sorry, Seedfoot," Antstar gave his chest fur an embarrassed lick.

Purrs erupted from the medicine den, followed by a wail of agony from the nursery.

"Oh my StarClan, she's going to die, she's going to die, she's going to die," the leader repeated to himself as he, yet again, started pacing the length of the WindClan camp.

"Youngsters will be youngsters, wake me up when they grow up," Seedfoot curled up in his nest.

Even more yowls erupted from the nursery, followed by the sound of a tiny wail. The entire Clan looked up hopefully.

"A tom!" Harestripe's voice announced from in the nursery.

"Any more?" Antstar called in.


"Oh, great," the leader didn't mind the kits, he minded the pain it put his mate through.

"A she-cat!" yelled the medicine cat.

"Anything else?" Antstar repeated.

"Of course!"

The leader almost growled at the tom.

"And another tom!"

That was when Antstar rushed into the nursery.

"Finally!" Seedfoot sounded relieved.

"What should we name them?" Mudpelt questioned.

"Anything you want," Antstar told her.

"How about, um, the she-cat can be Leafkit, uh, the tom that has the unusually long tail can be Tallkit, and, um, the black tom can be Crowkit." the queen decided.

"Okay," Antstar purred.

Hope you enjoyed! Please comment! I get really lonely on my account.

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