7. Attacking Foxes and the Duplicate Omen

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The ten uninjured kits climbed up the super secret exit from the camp that Squirrelflight had shown Hollykit. Squirrelflight, that name hit home hard. Really, I know. Yellowkit could feel their pain.

"So, where do you think the fox burrow is?" Dustkit asked once they were out of hearing distance from the camp.

"We have to pick up its scent," Whitekit scolded.

"We also have to hurry up; Ashstar and Fernfur are likely to send search parties." Bluekit pointed out.

"Yes," Sandkit agreed.

"That way!" Hollykit picked up the scent.

The kits followed the scent through the forest, and it stopped by the border with ThunderClan and unclaimed territory.

"Okay, it must be around here somewhere," Graykit decided.

"Yes," Ravenkit agreed.

"Everyone be completely still," Bluekit ordered, her eyes wide.

Everyone stopped, and their eyes grew wide too. Now that they were unmoving, they could hear the scrape of paws nearing the surface of the ground...

"Fox!" Ravenkit screeched.

The kits scatter just in time; where they were, stood a big female fox, licking her lips.

"Uh-oh," Hollykit gulped.

"Is it just me, or is this fox larger than I remember them being?" Graykit shrunk in fear.

"It's not just you," even Bluekit, Whitekit, and Oakkit backed up a bit.

"Okay," Bluekit stood still. "Silverkit, Oakkit, Graykit, Yellowkit, Dustkit, you attack it from the right." the cats nodded. "Yellowkit, did you ever have warrior training?"

"Of course," the gray she-cat answered.

"Whitekit, Sandkit, Ravenkit, Hollykit, and I will attack from the left." Bluekit took charge.

The kits surrounded the enemy, five on the right, five on the left.

"If only Firekit could help us," Sandkit sent a prayer to StarClan.

"He's still in the medicine den," Silverkit reminded.

"Three," Whitekit called.

"Two," Bluekit continued.

"One!" Oakkit's battle cry sent them all into battle.

The fox raked furiously, trying to grab hold of at least one kit. It struck Whitekit in the ear, but the white tom dived underneath the fox and clawed at its belly. The fox screamed in outrage and lowered its belly, crushing Whitekit. The white tom squealed.

"Whitekit being crushed!" Yellowkit called.

Bluekit's eyes glinted furiously at this, and the blue-gray she-cat stretched her claws until they hurt to scratch the fox's pelt. The fox screeched, shook the kits off of her, and ran furiously into no-clan territory.

"Whitekit!" Bluekit went to her former nephew.

"I've been squished!" Whitekit said slowly, like he couldn't believe it.

Everyone had a look that read Duh,

Yellowkit came up with some cobwebs to Whitekit. She sniffed the scratch, cleaned it a little bit, and then she applied the cobwebs. "Any other injures?"

"No, not really," Ravenkit called.

"Good, the kits are still under the ground," Yellowkit stated.

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