25. Marshfoot Knows

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Now, I had to try to create this chapter twice. The first time, it was really long, probably longer than this one will be, but it deleted it! I was, like, so upset! Anyway, comment and enjoy!

Marshfoot woke up in the warriors den, think of the dream he had nearly three nights ago already. Jayfeather and Firepaw were still in Brackenfall's care, and they should make it out soon. So, he woke up at the crack of dawn, as usual. He decided to see if somebody else was awake. Answer: yes, and it was just the cat he wanted to talk to. "Jayfeather!" Marshfoot called running up to the gray warrior.

"Hello," Jayfeather was rightfully startled.

"Okay, I have some questions for you," the black and brown warrior started.

"Right..." the gray warrior sounded bored already.

"What was that dream about three nights ago?" Marshfoot asked.

"Well, you see, Marshfoot, I can't exactly tell you..." Jayfeather tried to explain.

"Tell me!" the tom put as much authority into his voice as possible.

Jayfeather leaned in, "Alright, but we can't talk here,"

The two warriors hid in the corner of dirt place.

"So, what's going on? You aren't who I thought you were," Marshfoot trailed off.

"Marshfoot," Jayfeather got his attention.


"Probably a little less than half the clan is supposed to be dead,"


Featherkit walked drowsily out of the nursery. Yet another day of playing kit. It may seem easy, but it's tiring work!

"Hurry up, slow poke!" Brookkit rammed her sister to try to get her to go faster.

"Why should I?" the gray she-cat stumbled a little after being pushed.

"So we could talk about news." Brookkit looked at her, dead serious.

"Okay," Featherkit brightened at that.

"So," Brookkit started once they got out of hearing range. "Thornflower kitted."

"Yes, Stormkit and Mudkit," the gray she-cat stated.

"I can't help but thinking that Stormkit is Stormfur," Brookkit got a dreamy look in her eyes.

"He is. I recognized his scent," Featherkit answered.

"That's great!"

"Yeah, but what about Mudkit?" the gray she-cat asked.

"I don't know, but he kinda smells more like a WindClan cat than anything," Brookkit stated.

Brookkit and Featherkit looked at each other in horror. Oh, StarClan.


"So you, Ashstar, Firepaw, Hollypaw, Silverpaw, Dustpaw, Sandpaw, Oakpaw, Whitepaw, Graypaw, Bluepaw, Yellowpaw, and Ravenpaw are reborns?" Marshfoot asked.

"At least in this clan. There are some more in other clans," Jayfeather got a distant look in his eyes. "And not all are good,"

"Right," Marshfoot nodded. "I'm cool with that,"

"Do you promise to keep this a secret?" Jayfeather asked.


"You promise that this is not a I'm-going-to-go-tell-Redstripe-everything-once-Jayfeather-turns-his-back promise?" Jayfeather questioned.


"Alright," Jayfeather and Marshfoot went outside to find all of the apprentices except for Firepaw freaking out.


Firepaw woke up with a start. Brackenfall was glowering over him, checking his wounds. "Ah, Firepaw, you're finally awake."

"Uh, I think I am," Firepaw was uncertain.

Purrs erupted from a different cat in the den. Yellowpaw was leaning over a pile of herbs, sorting them; it was obvious that it was she.

"Can you stop? It's not funny! I honestly didn't know!" the flame colored tom was offended.

Yellowpaw purred harder.

"Alright," Firepaw looked at Brackenfall. "Can I go?"

"Just don't get into any battles yet," Brackenfall reassured.

"Now, why would I do that?" the apprentice put an innocent look on his face.

Yellowpaw purred harder.

"You can shut up," Firepaw glared at her.

Outside, Firepaw looked for something to do. There's always the elders, he thought. Out of habit, he turned back to the medicine den to get mouse bile. Hmmm, I don't need that, not unless they want some.

Right out of sight, Firepaw heard the voices of his clanmates. He knew that he shouldn't eavesdrop, but he couldn't help himself.

"Do you remember the days of old?" a voice known as Olivecloud's mentioned.

"Yeah, wasn't there a war between the StarClan cats and the Dark Forest cats?" it was Tangledleg this time.

Yes! They remember! Firepaw's heart lifted.

"I heard ThunderClan was lead by a former kittypet at the time," Roseshadow spoke up.

Firepaw didn't like that part as much.

"He was probably the softest leader of all time. Kittypets are soft. Everyone knows that. Nothing will ever change that. They've always been soft, and they always will be," Lostclaw snarled.

Firepaw felt tears come to his eyes. Was this how ThunderClan was? He just realized that he hasn't seen any former kittypets in this clan. What has Ashfur done? Why isn't there any kittypets? I know for a fact that some would love to join, so why hasn't Ashfur done anything?

Almost letting his tears fall, Firepaw turned around and went away without a sound. That was when he ran into Sandpaw. Literally.

"Firepaw!" Sandpaw squeaked in surprise. "What's wrong?"


"Please tell me!" the pale she-cat pleaded.

That was when Firepaw ran out of camp.

"Firepaw wait! Wait! Don't leave! Tell me what's wrong!" Sandpaw raced after him.

"Whoa, slow down," all the reborns except for Jayfeather and Ashstar gathered around her.

"What happened?" Graypaw demanded.

"Firepaw was crying, and he was sad..." Sandpaw wailed some more, trying not to let Blazefur hear, she'd go berserk. "And he ran off. I don't even know what was wrong! I'm a horrible mate."

"You're not a horrible mate," Bluepaw reassured. "Well, we'll go search for Firepaw,"

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