31. Another Attack

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Anyway, I know what you are thinking: What else can this twisted person's twisted mind come up with now? Well, don't worry, it'll only get WEIRDER and WEIRDER and WEIRDER!

"Fallen Leaves," Hollypaw whispered.

"Hollypaw," came a familiar voice.

"Where are you?" the black she-cat called out.

Fallen Leaves appeared out of the blue in front of them.

"Why aren't you alive?" Bluepaw asked.

"I was one of the few who didn't come back to this world; I just came back here to get closer to my love," Fallen Leaves reached Hollypaw. "I didn't think she'd remember me, so I prepared to meet her again."

"I'd never forget you," Hollypaw swore.

"Aw, that's cute and all, but you guys need to go," a dark figure stepped out of the shadows.

"Darkpaw?" Whitepaw and Oakpaw reached a fighting stance.

"Darkstripe," the warrior corrected.

Hollypaw swore inwardly.

"Darkstripe," Fallen Leaves muttered.

"What was that?" Darkstripe asked.

"This is my territory,"

Fallen Leaves attacked.


"Whatever," Tigerclaw murmured.

"Just get out," Yellowpaw sighed.

Tigerclaw stole one last look at Yellowpaw before clambering up the tunnel leading to ShadowClan.

He really does like me, Yellowpaw thought, but she'd never say so out loud.


"There is something wrong with my kits!" Blazefur screeched.

"They're apprentices now," Shimmerfire corrected, but she was equally worried.

"They will always be MY kits!" the ginger she-cat fired back.

"They've left," Rockpelt paced the clearing.

"Ashstar's sent a search party. There's nothing more we can do right now," Marshfoot concluded.

"But why can't we help?" Redstripe asked.

"Someone may attack the camp," Jayfeather answered. "We have to leave it guarded."

"Alright," the young warrior amended.

"Where do you think they went?" Marshfoot questioned.

"They could have gone lots of places. Hunting, possibly. Maybe even purposely veering off-course to lead away some sort of predator," Jayfeather responded.

"Why would they have been so mouse-brained to try that?" Blazefure panicked.

"It's not mouse-brained, it's valiant," Shimmerfire corrected.

"Attack!" came a yowl.

"ShadowClan," Marshfoot reported, without emotion.

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