48. Fireheart in ShadowClan

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"Oh," Silverstream swallowed. "That might be a problem."

"Do you really think so?" Sandstorm questioned. "We better get going anyway."

They quickly caught up with Blazefur and Fernfur.

"So," Fernfur looked at them, kind of like how a teenage female Twoleg would look at a bestie, "What was that about?"

"Um," Silverstream stuttered. "Nothing..."

"Really?" the deputy looked suspicious.

"It's all right, Silverstream," Sandstorm turned towards the rest of the patrol. "I'm expecting kits,"

"With my son?" Blazefur's eyes went wider than the sun in the sky. "Oh my StarClan! Now, I have to make sure that nothing is wrong with you; I also have to make sure that Fireheart doesn't die. That would be disastrous."

"Blazefur," Fernfur cut in. "I'm very happy for you, Sandstorm. Fireheart is a lucky tom."

They continued on their search.


Lizardstar charged out of his den. "Tigerclaw,"

"Lizardstar," Tigerclaw dipped his head. "Fireheart here wishes to join our clan,"

"How do you know he won't betray us in the heat of an oncoming battle?" the leader of ShadowClan inquired.

"Trust me," the great warrior reassured confidently. "He won't."

Lizardstar's eyes gleamed. "Let the Clan gather!" he yelled that because a certain author doesn't know what the correct one is.

The whole clan, warriors, apprentices, elders, deputy, medicine cat, queens, and kits gathered beneath their clan leader.

"Ever since Mapleshade betrayed us," Lizardstar announced. "We've needed more warriors. Mapleshade herself joined ThunderClan," many growls erupted because of this. "Therefore, we need an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a warrior for a warrior."

Most of the clan, minus the StarClan reborns, shifted in anticipation.

"Young Fireheart of ThunderClan felt betrayed by his so called comrades. Luckily before he could have run completely out of the way of the clans' territories, Tigerclaw found him. He was right outside ThunderClan territory, heading to StarClan knows where. Tigerclaw convinced him that not every clan is like ThunderClan," Lizardstar observed his surroundings. "Fireheart has agreed to join ShadowClan."

"How do you know he won't betray us?" a warrior, Toadclaw, called out.

"Fireheart felt betrayed in ThunderClan. He would never purposefully go back on the clan he was always destined to belong to. Fireheart here has always been destined to be great in ShadowClan, not ThunderClan." the ShadowClan leader assured.

The Dark Forest reborns looked victorious. They had indeed won the great ThunderClan leader Firestar over to their side. Nothing would stop them now.

"And I would like to announce Fireheart as the newest warrior of ShadowClan. May he guard our camp while we sleep." Lizardstar's eyes gleamed with the delight in having one of ThunderClan's greatest warriors on ShadowClan's side. If they were to wage war, the tables would probably be turned to ShadowClan's favor.

"Fireheart! Fireheart!" most of the clan were cheering.

But some weren't. Moonkit, Squirrelkit, Bramblekit, and Tawnykit couldn't believe their ears or eyes. It was true; Fireheart had left ThunderClan. He probably joined the Dark Forest; StarClan's side had taken a fatal blow. They doubted they were safe anymore.

"Maybe I don't know him as well as I thought," Squirrelkit murmured.


The next morning, the Dark Forest members streamed from the warriors den.

"We must go out of the camp where no one can overhear us." Breezepelt urged.

"Now that we have you on the right side, we can place another attack." Darkstripe was practically pushing Fireheart out of the camp.

Once they were out of camp, Tigerclaw took charge. "Fireheart, before you left ThunderClan, what was their plans?"

"They were trying to figure out which plan you guys would use; once they figured that out, they would go from there. We also got several prophecies and omens." Fireheart reported.

"What were they?" the great ShadowClan warrior was now intrigued.

"Everything will be solved by the cats around you; everyone there shall affect what you do." Fireheart did his best to recall that prophecy. "It was basically just saying that we were in the future and that cats from the other side were also there."

"They other?" Tigerclaw proposed.

"It was a bracken that caught flame, and the flame was in the shape of tiger stripes. Eventually, though, a storm made the fire go out." the flame colored tom stated.

"Do you know what that means?" Tigerclaw asked.

"Yes," Fireheart answered. "At least I think I do."

"In my way of interpreting it, you and I will reign havoc on ThunderClan; I believe that the bracken represented ThunderClan. When the storm made the fire go out, that, well, I think it's self explanatory," the reborns winced. "But that just means that the storm must be exposed of." Tigerclaw looked over his group of reborns.

"But who's the storm?" Breezepelt really was clueless sometimes.

"The only cat who could potentially make Fireheart switch back to StarClan's side." Tigerclaw's gaze darkened. "Sandstorm."

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