59. Talltail and the Two Voices

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Saying that Ravenheart was bored would probably be the most understated thing that StarClan had ever heard of.

True, Brackenfall said that he should be able to leave when all of his symptoms left him, but it was so boring to wait.

He couldn't go out to hunt with his friends, he couldn't converse with the other reborns, and he couldn't see his sister! The last one hurt him the most. He heard that his sister had finally kitted, and he could see two limp bodies in the middle of the clearing.

That wasn't a good sign, but at least one survived, right? He had seen the entire clan going into the nursery.

But he didn't even know his own nephew, or niece, at all. The kit could be a tom or a she-cat, for all he knew. Ravenheart didn't even know it's name.

That was, until Brackenfall settled down to talk to him.

"Can I go yet?" Ravenheart asked.

"Not yet," the medicine cat instructed. "I just came to tell you about your sister."

The black tom sat up eagerly.

"Two of her kits were stillborn," Brackenfall began.

"I can see that."

"But one of them survived. A little tom."

"What's his name?" Ravenheart's paws scratched at the moss below him, tearing it to shreds.

"Flamingkit. He is a strong one." Brackenfall stated.

"Can I see him?"

"Maybe if he comes out." the medicine cat answered after some thought.

The black tom nodded; that was understandable.


Talltail looked really bored from Antstar's perspective. He had hunted rabbits to the limit, and had been in many patrols. The medicine cat instructed him to not do anything really active for the rest of the day; he might get injured or even pass out.

The young warrior had told them he was only going for a walk, and that he wouldn't hunt at all. He also told them that he wouldn't go that far. He told them that the farthest he'd go would be the small Twolegplace by the edge of the lake; the one connected to Horseplace.

Antstar relaxed a little at that; usually, nothing bad happened in Horseplace. Nothing at all.

The long-tailed tom raced across the plains as soon as he was out of sight of the camp. He wasn't going to walk; he had too much pent up energy for that.

The ground raced by beneath him in a weird pattern of grass blades. There would be one abnormally long one next to an extremely short one and so on. He only slowed when he was near the small Twolegplace. He had to be really careful here; who knows what Twolegs would do if the found him.

He hid in the long grass as a huge monster plodded down a beaten Thunderpath.

He was not expecting it to stop. Monsters don't usually stop in the middle of the Thunderpath; Talltail had seen them pull over to the side of the Thunderpath to stop, but never in the middle of the Thunderpath.

He also was not expecting for them to exit the monster.

He also didn't expect them to have huge sticks with them.

The WindClan warrior laid low, praying to StarClan that they wouldn't see him. Who knows what they would do. Twolegs had really weak noses, so them scenting him was out of his mind. He also was being as still as he ever was, so he was quite confident that they wouldn't hear him.

As long as they don't see him.

He didn't expect them to see him.

He didn't expect them to come over to him.

He did fight back, don't tell anyone he didn't. He tried his hardest, but everyone knows that one Twoleg, let alone many, can overpower a cat any day.

He didn't expect them to hit him until his visions swam into a dark pit of despair.

He wasn't praying that they wouldn't see him anymore. He was praying for them to go away. He was praying for his survival of this ordeal. He was praying for one of his clanmates to find him.

And, most of all, he was praying that these Twolegs wouldn't hurt any other cat.

His vision swam deeper and deeper into the black pit, forever going down and forever becoming darker. The WindClan warrior was quickly overrun by blackness as his head lolled to the side, quite clearly unconscious.


Flamingkit's head ached. Well, ached was an understatement.

It was more like the entire Dark Forest spilling into his head.

So, what happens now? He swore he heard someone ask in his head. It was a male voice, but it was also a voice who sounded very wise.

I really don't know. It was another male voice. This voice also sounded wise, but not to the extent of the previous one.

Should we introduce ourselves to the young one?

That would probably be wise.

Flamingkit found the courage somewhere to talk to them in his mind. Who are you two?

I'm Fallen Leaves. The one who sounded wiser stated.

I'm Flametail.

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